Okay.... I'm being so kind at the moment. Since I had nothing better to do while waiting for things to upload. I decided to make some icons. And I believe they are only Coat West, Go Guy Plus, and Ikoku Irokoi Romantan.
I C O N S 010203040506 070809010011012 013014015016017018 019020021022023024 025026027028029030 031032033034035036
Okay: ► Credit isn't necessary, but please don't claim as yours. If you do use, you can credit me (asheex) ► Please, no hot linking. Post them yourself. ► If you want to know what show/movie any of the icon's are used from, feel free to ask. ^_^ ► The only difference between #034 and #035 is Sho's name. ► NONE of these are bases. ► Comments are nice.♥