My Trip {Meeting K-chan / Seeing Dir En Grey} -- HEAVY IMAGES

Nov 19, 2009 18:36

Who: Dir En Grey
Featuring: Digital Mindy
Where: Chicago, Illinois -- The Metro
When: Monday, November 16th
At: 7:00pm

Sunday, November 15--
I was surprised I could even sleep. But it might had something to do with the fact I didn't exactly sleep that well on Friday (13). I went to bed sometime after 2am since I was still up getting stuff packed and my ipod ready as well. I had to be up at 5am, but I think I ended up getting up at 6am. I showered and got ready and we were ready to leave around 7-7:30am (I can't remember to be honest). We went to the gas station to get some oil and then went to Walmart since I needed a new bag for the concert. After that we headed for one of the longest trips I had actually done by myself with a friend. And talk about being long, it was nearly 4 and a 1/2 hours to K-chan's. Luckily we got there a little after 1:30pm. We were extremely lucky we had no problems finding her house and we had no problems with any of the highways there. And I was shocked the traffic wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Once we got to her place, we ended up running around. We went to the mall, to a cool little arcade thing that was near her house, and then we hung out at her house the rest of the night. We watched Sukiyaki Western Django, which sucked, but was fucking awesome due to the fact it has Oguri Shun in it. But it was sad because he died. And after doing some research, because we could not remember who the guy was from, but the charcter that plays Yoshitsune is the lead charcter in the movie Casshern. I seriously want to beat myself over the head for not remembering that. But other then that, we just hung out and talked. K-chan and I stayed up probably until about 2:30am talking.

Monday, November 16--
We got up and started getting ready after 10am. And we caught the 12 o'clock train to the city, it was the Metra. It was the first time I had ever been on a train. And it was awesome!
Then after we got off the train, we ended up catching the subway. Which once again, it was my first time being in or on a subway. It was quite the experience. One thing is for sure though. I don't ever think I will live in a big city like Chicago. Hahaha.

(first one is the Metra ticket, and the second one was my subway card)

After get off the subway, we walked a few blocks and found our way to The Metro.
It was only a block away from Wrigley Field.

(credit: originalitycure.)
I forgot to take a picture of the sign XD

Once again, I forgot to take a picture of the bus. Sadly this is from
New York. Not Chicago. But either way,

We arrived at The Metro around 1:30pm. I also got to meet Valerie and Fred. They were awesome. They got there I think around 4 or 5pm. So they had to fight the coldness with us. The concert sadly didn't start until 7, and the doors didn't open until 6:00pm. God did it suck! The wind was about the only problems we faced. Luckily we were right around the corner of the building, and so we were able to block a lot of the wind. But when the line finally moved, we had to go around the side, and it was chilly as heck. And with the traffic, it was causing the wind to be worse. But we totally pushed through it and survived. And talk about it feeling way better once we got into the place.
My nerves was going nuts just stepping inside the building. I just wanted to scream "I'm in the same building as Dir En Grey!" Once we got in there, we automatically went straight to the Merch room and got us a shirt. I kind of feel bad, I should had bought 2 instead of one, but I'm just happy I got one (But still wish I would have gotten two.)

After K-chan and I got our shirts, we went a head into the room that had the stage. And just seeing that literally made me scream. I was jumping for joy because I was so excited.

(K-chan and I before the concert.)
And you know it's pretty bad that I look like
shit before it even started.
That damn cold and wind did it!We had to wait about 30 minutes until Digital Mindy performed. They weren't that bad, but I still just wanted to skip them and see Dir En Grey. The only thing entertaining about them was they had 2 girl dancers. They were hot, I must say. Other then that, their songs were just, to blah for me. But once they were done performing, I was all ready screaming on the top of my lungs for being so excited.
And to be honest, I can't even remember who the first person was out, but just seeing Kaoru, Die, Shinya, and Toshiya, I honestly about started crying, but was to busy screaming to even do it. And then when I seen Kyo, I was just completely amazed. (Although his shortness, I was shocked about. I wish I could have stood next to him to see how short he was. So I was shocked that I didn't laugh like crazy like I thought I was.) But when he came out, I was just in completely awe. It was amazing.
Set list:1. Sa Bir2. Vinushka3. Red Soil4. Repetition of Hatred5. Stuck Man6. Agitated Screams of Maggots7. Obscure8. Shokubeni9. Bugaboo10. Toguro11. Glass Skin12. Inconvenient Ideal13. Dozing Green14. Merciless Cult15. Reiketsu NarisebaEncore:16. The Final17. Kodou18. Gaika, Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro
Thanks to K-chan for taking pictures for me. I just wanted to enjoy the concert and not really pay attention to taking pictures. I only took two pictures on my phone, and two videos as well. But I'm not going to post them on here. But I will post most of the pictures K-chan took for me. None of them are zoomed in on, nor having any kind of effect on them. The only thing, a few at the beginning didn't have the flash. So they are all natural and done by the lights. I don't want them to be insanly huge, so just click on them to make them bigger.


Here is a couple I cropped a bit:

And my favorite picture of them all:

How I wish we could have gotten closer to the stage, but just from where we were, we could see everyone (almost). Valerie made it all the way to the front (I am so very jealous of her) But I heard that it was a pain to be up front. And people were trying to do 'swim' motions to try and get to the front. It's pretty bad when someone put their elbow in my friends Nathan's neck, and he had to literally BITE them to get them to stop. The crowd was to rough for absolutly no reason. Because nothing they did helped them get to the front. It made me laugh though. I'm sad we didn't get to see much of Die or Shinya. But every so often I was able to see Shinya when I would remember he was there. I was so into watching Toshiya and Kyo. They were quite amusing to watch.
I got to see everyone at the end though. Especially Die and Shinya a lot. Toshiya and Kaoru threw their picks, and none really came my way. Then Die threw some of his, I think one of them came my way, in front of me, but I couldn't catch it. And then when Shinya threw his stick, I was actually scared. Those things hurt a bit. However, he just HAD to pour and throw a dang water bottle.
And here is the proof of how my makeup got messed up:

He also threw the bottle out to the crowd too, which smacked off my hand. I didn't really want the bottle, but I still hand my hand up. I just couldn't help but laugh. But I was drenched, both front and back. I wasn't exactly happy that my makeup got messed up. But I expected it to of happened.
I wanted to meet the band, but I didn't have the energy to really do it. So we ended up leaving after they were done. I heard that Shinya and Toshiya were the only ones doing the meet and greet. So in a way, I'm happy I didn't do it. Because I would had just died meeting those two. Toshiya- the total pervert and manwhore of the crowd. And Shinya- the pretty guy who I envy so freaking much. Yeah, it might have turned out badly. Either way, I was happy I got to see them.
They were everything I had imagined, AND MORE! So I can't wait to see them again. But I do hope they at least take a year off. They have been working incredibly hard. And they all ready have their new single ready to come out too. So they are just work-a-holic's. They are to amazing if you ask me.

After the concert, K-chan and Nathan walked back to the subway, and road that back to the train. And ended up having to wait an hour since the online schedule lied to K-chan. So we had to wait until about 12:30am for the last train. Then after getting back to K-chan's car, we ended up going to White Castle for a late dinner. We hung out and talked for a while. Then we went back to her place, took a shower, then headed toward bed. But K-chan and I ended up staying up until 4:30am talking (again xD).

Tuesday, November 17--
K-chan and I ended up waking up at 9:30am to watch the NEWS documentary to the Winter Party Diamond DVD. (It was so cute!) Then probably around 11-11:30am or so, we got ready and headed home. (I was so sad to leave.) And the thing that sucked, I think the weather knew how I felt, because as soon as we were walking to the car, it began sprinkling. And then once we headed out, it started raining. So I think the weather knew I was sad to be leaving. The trip was faster going home then it was going up, some how. Nathan and I ended up getting home after 7pm. When we got home, we didn't really do all that much. We had dinner with my mom and brother. I didn't go to bed until I think 11pm or 12am. All because I had class at 9am the next morning.

My body is still trying to recover from the abuse it took from the concert. I'm just glad it wasn't as bad as the concert I went to in St. Louis to see Hollywood Undead, Brokencyde, Haste the Day, and Senses Fails. I have bruises on my right arm quite badly. That's also the shoulder that hurts like a bitch still too. I am actually quite glad that my legs didn't cramp up like they did last time. I was able to jump and have fun like I wanted too.

My honest opinion about my trip: I wish I could do it over, and over again. I wish I could go back and see K-chan, Valerie, and Fred. I wish I could go back and see Dir En Grey. The concert still replays over and over in my head. And just how much fun I had. And how great Dir En Grey was. They are always going to be one of my favorites. And these guys have definately taken the #1 spot when it comes to the concerts I've been too. I love these guys, and they were one of the orginal bands I had gotten into when I started to like Jrock. And to see them live, has really brought things to reality. I'm always going to be a true J-rock fan until the day I die.


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