So Congress just passed something called the "Respect For Fallen Heroes Act". It's principle is to put an end to protests being held by a certain Kansas Baptist church at military funerals.
These folks show up at military funerals taunting and chanting at the mourners. They hold up signs that say "God Bless the IED's" and such. Why? Because of the U.S. Military's tolerance of homosexuals.
Yeah, you read that right. If you get caught out of the closet you are kicked out of the Armed Forces. Given, I think that the whole "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy is total bullcrap, it's at least something. Another 100-200 years and nobody will care whom you choose to fall in love (bed) with. I know why the Army does things the way it does things and that's that.
Anyway, these are the same group of protesters (all members of the same extended family, if memory serves me right) who showed up a Matthew Shepard's funeral a few years back holding up signs with colorful statements like "Matthew Burns In Hell" and "God Hates Fags". Just the folks I want over for dinner, says I.
Evidently someone missed the point of the Book. Leviticus 19:18. (And they call ME a heretic). Go figure. Jesus himself stood up for a poor prostitute to a whole group of people with big fucking ROCKS in their hands, but these idiots can't back off for a dead stranger. What the FUCK is up with that?
Anyway, at least a few members of Congress have their briefs in an uproar about how said-Act 'violates the First Amendment'. Here's my take:
My right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness supercedes your right to shoot off your mouth when I'm trying to bury someone I cared about. That's that. The government is SUPPOSED to be around to stick up for the little guy. At least in this tiny case, however biased it may be, they are. It's a pity it will take Congressional legislation to shut these folks out from defecating on other people's graves, but when you live in a society where law enforcement and legislation have had to replace simple fucking courtesy and common sense, there you are.
I ain't asking anyone to approve of/embrace/endorse the whole 'gay' thing. Not everyone is thrilled about it. That's fine. If they have to put up with your prejudices, you have to put up with their lifestyle choices. Balance. Cut each other a little slack and everyone should be happy. Yeah, I'm an idealist. A badly disillusioned, naiive, ignorant one.
I am, however, just asking people to please shut the fuck up for a few minutes when loved ones are being buried. Life's too damned short for this sort of crap and a funeral is never a place to make a point.