
Nov 11, 2006 03:17

So, at long last, I've seen "Scarface". Yup, brilliant film, mang.

A line in it, roughly quoted, is sticking out in my head:

"You people should be grateful for people like me. I give you someone to point the finger at and say 'There's the bad guy'."

Or this little dandy, from Marilyn Manson:

"I see all of you trying so hard to be 'good', trying so hard to get yourselves into heaven. But let me ask you: do you really want to go to a place filled with a bunch of ASSHOLES???"

Or even this nugget of wisdom, courtesy of Jim Morrisson:

"You're all a bunch of fucking slaves."

What's got me on this trip? The latest Arizona election results. The constitutional amendment doing away with 'civil unions', because it's bad enough that we have to put up with 'those' people, why not add insult to injury?

In Arizona, if you are caught in the state illegally, you are denied bail outright. Of course, the kid from the Foothills district who just raped his 16 year old girlfriend can get himself out.

Yeah, and we've just banned smoking statewide in all public places of employment. See, it's better to have the drunks in the bar outside than inside. I may be a wife-abusing, road-raging, neo-conservative, fag-bashing piece of shit, but at least I don't smoke. Nice. We sent Gabrielle Giffords to Congress, which is not bad. However, it's amusing that all the anti-illegal measures she fought against passed with flying colors.

What does this tell you? All the shit that passed in this fucked up, cow-patty state all have to do with ostracizing some element of society deemed bad. It's perfectly okay to run the health system into the ground because saying 'no' to that second big-mac was too hard for you, but not if you enjoy a smokey-treat with your gin and tonic.

I tried being nice. "You might if I smoke this here?", "Is this bothering you?", "no problem, I'll put it out". Helping out the stranger in the grocery line who was five cents short on their bill, picking up the occasional hitch-hiker (after carefully sizing them up, mind you, I may be compassionate, but I'm not stupid), letting the guy on the road 'in' even though I'm in just as much of a hurry.

It was all for fucking nothing. Damned right, I'm taking it personally. I get to pay 80 cents more per pack starting January 1,2007 for 'kids programs'. Horseshit. My mom warned me that cynicism is the great curse of adulthood. It took me this long to figure out that not only is it a curse, but it is inevitable. Diplomacy is pointless when a simple gun, tire iron, or fist will resolve the dispute instantly.

I"m having a hard time coping with the fact that what I considered to be the three great pinnacles of humanity: courtesy, charity, and privacy, are no longer viewed as divine, but weakness to be scorned and shat upon at will.

I admit it. I was wrong. Totally fucking wrong. Yes, to your disbelief, it took me this long to figure out that people just ain't no good. I'm a slow learner.
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