it has been a while -
don't get me wrong, I have been dreaming a lot - just failing ot record them.
Last night I had a very bizarre and intense dream.
It was very dark and black and involved nighttime.
A friend of mine was in it - as he has been in the past two of my dreams within this last week - and he was sitting up on this stage thing with a gothy looking girl and a gothy looking guy. When I tried to say hello he just kinda gave me the brush off. I continued to try to talk to him but he kept kinda ignoring me. It took place in this very dark club like atmosphere. Then there was a Halloween parade type thing happening and lots of loud music so I wasn't able to talk to him anymore. Very VERY disheartening and sad all the way around, plus the past two dreams I have had with him in it - it has been the same situation - he has not been wanting to be my friend anymore.
The parade was like a musical and the stage was at the end of these massive bleachers, and as i looked across the 'street' in the room there were massive bleachers on the other side loaded up with people all decked out in black and their white faces with black lipstick.
Then one at a time, each row went down to the middle of the street singing one line in a song and the same row on the OTHER bleachers was supposed to meet them in the middle of the street, shake hands with the person they meet in the middle and sing the next line of the song - then the rows were supposed to switch sides and go to the top of the bleachers as the rows moved down at the same time and continued the song - sound confusing? lolol
So I am trying to figure out why my friend doesn't want to be my friend anymore, when it is my turn to go with my row. I skip to the middle with my row to come face-to-face with a girl dressed in a black frilly dress, white makeup, black eyes and lips and singing this line in a song. She stuck her hand out in front of her for me to shake it and to continue to th next line in the song and i realized she had this black, jelly-sticky stuff on the palms of her hands (think those weird sticky things you get from 50¢ machines that have the hands on them and long string like thing attached but all of it is made of this gel-like substance.) As I grabbed her hand and started singing, she smiled at me and I said "Oh wow! where on earth did you find that stuff?!" as we crossed over and switched sides. She just kept smiling.
This sequence of the switching of bleachers and singing kept on for a bit then everyone cleared out - and i realized i was living out a story i had already read. Like i knew what was going to happen because i had read the story a long time ago and i was the main female character.
And as the people cleared out, i realized i was supposed to find my friend because he was my 'hero' in the story. I was supposed to be with him, and if i didn't find him soon, i would die because people would kill me if i didn't have him as a protector.
So I went off on a search for him in this huge, dark industrial building. I am in a crazy frilly floor-length dress, and i keep running into people intent on my destruction, so i keep having to find side doors and routes. I remember going into a library because i ran into a person who told me where to find the man i was looking for, and in there was his brother and some other people and i asked where he was at and he sent me into the same huge dark room the bleachers had once been in - only now it was empty and the big doorway at the end was open and light was coming out of it and i knew if i went in there, he would be in there -
so i head towards the door when it is blocked by guys with guns, so i turn back towards the library and go to the round table that i was at before, and i try to envision my friend sitting at the table because i want him to be there so badly but my brain cannot make him appear. So I leave and go into this hallway that has a glass/window for a wall on one side and looks out over a courtyard and there he is - sitting there by the window on a bench, dressed in a crazy outfit, like victorian and says 'i have been waiting for you.'
I go sit beside him and we kiss and then a slew of armed men come rushing all camoed-out and loaded with automatic weapons and the more i try to explain i found the guy - the more guys come in with guns, and they start firing warning shots and I start pressing myself into the arms of my friend, like if the more i could shield myself with his arms, the safer i was.
AND THEN Adolf Hitler rounds the corner of the hall with a pistol and starts to fire, when my friend starts speaking to them in a language I couldn't make out - and they all, every single one of them, looked like a lightbulb went off in there heads - and some guy in the crowd said "ahha...i see.." then they all leave and i woke up.
more happened but that is all i could remember and verbalize when i woke up.