Marrieds and Parents WHATKEJ;LRKJWADF;LKJ

Apr 15, 2010 14:01

Dear People I Went To High School With:
I know it's a little late to offer this advice to most of you, but, I'm going to put it out on the table. If your priority is to still be a fun-loving young adult without a care in the world, then the best solution is to probably not get married and have kids. I'm not knocking your decision to do either, but I am concerned about your decision to do so then turn around and say "Well, this isn't as fun as I thought it would be. Here, mom, take the baby while I go to file the divorce papers and then IMMA GO GET CRUNK WIT' MAH GURLZ YEAHHH BITCHES."

I'm only staying this here because I'm always riding that fine line between being unknown and being run out of town on a rail. I can't very well post on your facebooks because the ensuing dog pile would be just ridiculous. Do you know why? Because it's all dismissible because you love Jesus and that absolves you of any real responsibility because you're praying for the strength to be a responsible person, but until he blesses you with a miracle that makes you do a 180, you're just going to keep doing what you're doing instead of making strides in the right direction and taking up for yourself. Because the LORD doth provide, and personal accountability doesn't count for much. Because it's much more pleasant to chill with your homies than to deal with your sick toddler, or attempt to work on your relationship. And, you know, if it really is that bad, it's totally awesome to get on your facebook and talk shit about each other, because that proves you're a true adult.

I'm not against people getting married, or having kids. I'm against people who get married and have kids to play house and then, when it's not cute and fun anymore and you actually have to work at it, or when something goes wrong and you do need to end things, you revert back to high school? Yeah, that's shitty. Especially for the ones with kids.  I can't imagine how that must be for a small child to see different men and women come in and out of your life, being constantly posted about on facebook to garner attention and sympathy for your parent, and being passed back and forth like an accessory. For example, I have never seen someone be so spiteful towards another woman until it came to being a step mother. It was like she was wearing it as a badge of honor, like, "Look, bitch! You weren't good enough for your man, and now I get to help raise your kid every other weekend. And I bet he loves me more! I'm going to take him out and show him off to all my friends! Oh, and we're having a baby together so hahaha you lose." I mean, really. I'm only paraphrasing a little. I'm not saying either party was innocent, but to say that sort of thing in a public forum and play it off like you're somehow super awesome because he cheated on his fiance that had his child with you, because you're just that good. Yeah, okay. You're a bitch. And it's even more annoying when you bring that up to someone and they laugh it off like, Oh, that's just how so-and-so is! It's so funny. Because it really isn't.

I'm all for someone's right to walk away from a relationship, or do what's right for yourself and your child, if that means giving them up for adoption, or choosing to abort, or raising them to the best of your abilities. But, if you cannot raise that child and you're treating them like a fleeting fascination, or a way to pick up chicks, or like a handbag when you're out in public then passing off the responsibility to your parents? Fuck you. It might not be a popular opinion, but there's no way I can justify forgoing formula and diapers and love and affection for your kid because you'd rather go out with your friends and buy a super cute top because mommy and daddy will bailout the baby if things get tight enough. And married couples that only love each other when things are easy, but when things get hard, they turn into spiteful little bitches and recruit people to slander the other, instead of a)picking up your shit and leaving, or b) working it out if that is indeed a possibility. I'm not talking about abuse. I'm talking about, I would rather go out and play the field than to pay bills or spend time with my spouse because it's just not as much fun as I thought it would be.

No, it's not everyone, but there are a good handful that I've seen this from. I don't want people to see this as a sweeping generalization, but directed at a medium sized group of people who need to remove their heads from their asses and then make life altering decisions.

Fuck my facebook. It causes me undue stress.
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