Junior Dinner Dance Hook-Up of Dan Borger Application (Formal Date)
The Basics
Telephone Number:
Favorite Ninja Turtle:
High School Stereotype (ex; Goth, Emo, Prep, Ghetto, Jock, Cheerleader, Slut, Individualistic, Music Junkie, Stoner, Just Plain Fucking Cool, Other):
How hot are you?
(Kid Rock) 1 2 (Butter Face) 3 4 5 (FUCKING AMAZING)
Can you prove your rating with a picture?
If YES, please include picture of you holding a sign that says "Fuck Me". The purpose of the sign is to prove that it is really you, not some 30-year old man looking for a good time. If you can’t provide a picture of yourself with a sign that says "Fuck Me" another picture will suffice. Please be advised that the less clothing the better.
How bad do you smell?
(I don’t smell) 1 2 3 4 5 (A Taco Bell Bathroom)
How cool are you?
(Bacon) 1 2 3 4 5 (REALLY FUCKING COOL)
Multiple Choice
Why do you want to go to Formal with me?
A. I don’t.
B. Out of options.
C. Why the hell not.
D. You are God.
E. Other: _________________________
What is your ideal after-formal thing to do?
A. Comedy Club
B. Laser Tag
C. Paintball
D. Slumber Party
E. Other: _________________________
What will you wear to formal?
A. A dress.
B. Nothing.
C. A thong.
D. Panties.
E. Other: _________________________
Am I your last option for a formal date?
A. Yes
B. No
Am I your first?
A. Yes
B. No
What can I expect after formal?
A. A good (and first) fuck.
B. BJ, no questions asked.
C. A measly hook-up
D. "Nothing, cause I am a prude whore. I am tighter then any freshman"
E. Other: _________________________
What is your ideal way to get to an after-formal-place-of-fun?
A. Limousine
B. SUV/Soccer Mom Mobile
C. Cab
D. "I have my license and will drive us."
E. Other: _________________________
Open Ended Section (Please answer on back of paper.)
Many of the methods of transportation to an after-formal-place-of-fun require more people then just the two of us. Do you have any preference of who we make the journey with? Who are they? Why? What are they like?
Describe your favorite kinds of food?
What do you think of me? Am I a total asshole?
What are you into? (Hobbies, Music, Movies, People, Orgies)
Thank you for completing this application. I, Dan Borger, am anxiously awaiting this "Junior Dinner Dance", and selecting a date is part of the process. Do not feel bad if you are not accepted, you just suck at life. Please either email me your responses at Spo777@gmail.com or hand this to me in person at school or some other place where I probably won’t see you. If you are a member of "P10" please do not fill this out as I will say NO. Much thanks to Al Manzo and Andrew Fisher in their inspiration in creating such an application. Also thanks to the great Tucker Max.
This Application also available in SAP.
well check that out for a laugh...or if u want to go with him lol
i joined the my space craze
click meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee game toooodayyyyy
k im done...