Oh hey it's Lost! No, wait.
They're looking at a view together! Aw. Bonding time.
Danny needs his roots doing.
Love how Steve is the one carrying the bag and Danny just has the clothes on his back.
Danny's not at all bothered by the glyphs, but it's sweet how he's almost trying to hold back about his not being bothered.
Love how Steve just randomly rolled up his combats for no actual reason other than to grace us with his calves. Thank you Steve.
Gross broken arm.
Aww no Kono is sad. Why is Kono sad? Aw ok Aunty is not well.
I tried to watch the next scene diligently but was still grinning like an idiot so had to rewind the I HEART YOU a few times so I could concentrate.
Okay, fish scales, boats, helicopters. Got it.
Oh hey it's erm, Hiro's friend from Heroes!
Danny needs to stop calling men other than Steve 'babe', he's diluting the babe!
Uh oh rift between Kono and Chin. Nice to see some family drama between them actually, they were far too happy to be related.
Ooooh okay so now Steve is adopting the Babe, except he uses it appropriately and exclusively *pets Steve*
Haha big red fish, ew. Danny is threatening Steve with spanking, well okay not spanking but Steve is definitely "gonna pay for this, 100%" and Steve gives him the smouldering 'I can't wait' eyes. I'm not even having to make this up out of subtext, IT'S JUST THERE, IT'S TEXT.
Blah blah something about bio fuel.
Wait, has Steve got graffiti on his cast already and what looks like a smiley face?! :) Cute.
Ninja!Steve strikes again, not at all hampered by his broken arm!
Yay Team bonding and Jealous!Danny.
Aw man, that episode made me all proud and who needs actual plot when there's CHARACTER!STUFF.
*snuggles H50*