
Sep 15, 2011 19:27

Alright, now that I've had some time to stop & think over the ending of this really amazing series...

It ended!! I've been going strong since episode 1, and it's really been worth it! A kouhai of mine came to the city needing to get her visa for being abroad in Japan this year, and while she was here I discovered the first episode of No.6 and then promptly fangirled around the whole apartment. Luckily for me unfortunately for my poor kouhai episode 2 came out the next day. :D

I have loved the characters in this series. The plot had me absolutely hooked. It was just all so kabfak;flfbaqf!! amazing!!

It had some ups & downs in editing maybe(?) or maybe some silly musical arrangements here and there, but never anything earth shatteringly horrific in the series that would ruin it for me.

It has 11 episodes. The last one, the 11th was today. At first, my mouth was hanging agape in wonderment as the episode finished. 
I had to ask aloud "What just happened?"

Yes, as I anticipated, but never suspected to wuite this extent, Bones had changed the last episode to deviate from the novel series. Now still relative enough, but there were some changes that were hard to overlook... even a little disappointing.

But there was one aspect that someone's LJ post reminded me... something I had been ecstatic about ever since I read the summary to the last book (before watching the series, I know, I'm terrible).

The more I watched this series, the more I thought that Nezumi would die. It just seemed like what his anime fate was... but upon reading the summary of volume 9, mentally preparing myself for the demise of my favorite character... I discovered, he would live. 
Shock and happiness registered all over my face. I think I actually did a little dance around my room.

I took advantage of that information and then went one step further hoping for an even happier ending... that they would stay together, but that was not a part of the book. Nezumi would "wander" and it was for an undetermined amount of time - from what I gathered. 
But you know what, I was reminded, that he is alive. Nezumi is alive and can come back any time or do anything, because he's alive.

So you know, I had some descrepancies over little details here and there, but all in all, I'm happy. I'd like to see a little more maybe later, if we're as fans that lucky, but if not, I have beautiful music, fantastic fanarts, talented writers producing copious amounts of fanfic, and a killer plot with some really epic characters. I think that makes for a good anime. (o^-')b


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