Update as of the end of April.
- have no started-but-not-finished projects by Thanksgiving 2011
Erm, not at the current rate, but who knows.
- maintain a list of todo's, and work on at least one every week (forward progress, not necessarily finished). Track via googledocs
Yeah, definitely losing momentum here. I did: order chair and ottoman for den (which involved shopping), added some mud to the kitchen ceiling (from where J put his foot through and we did a poor job when the kitchen was remodeled). Most of my "house" time was spent starting spring cleanup which is just a monumental task at our place.
- remove two units of "extra stuff" from the house each month (where unit roughly equates to a 13 gal trash bag/bankers box/equivalent). Track for entire year.
3 this month. No longer in the house: one (smallish) box of extra dishes/kitchen accoutremont, box-equivalent of home decor we don't use, and a bag of scraps out of my sewing room.
Running total: 19 "units" (January - 9, February - 2, March - 5, April - 3).
- Sew enough clothes that 1/3 of wardrobe is self-made (or significantly altered)
Jason being gone a week definitely increased my sewing time, lol. I finished: 2 knit tops, a knit skirt (outrageously easy), a wrap dress, and a pair of pants. I'm disappointed in the pants; the fabric was an internet purchase and is stiffer than I expected, so they do funny thing after I wear them for any length of time. They may be re-worked into "jeans" (it's navy with white pinstripes) or turned into something else entirely.
- Start golfing consistently at/below 45/side
Got out golfing 3 times, amongst the mud pits. Didn't keep score the first time out (it was ugly as expected), then shot a 46 (on the front) and a 42 (front again). Huh, maybe this will be a reachable goal without too much work!
- Replace Jason's car, with no loan
Savings continue on track, more or less.
- Add one good habit/month. Track with daily calendar/stars. April's habit: adding a fruit/veg to breakfast and/or lunch.
Managed the anti-scurvy habit most days, as long as I thought about it consciously. I'm struggling to figure out a May habit - there are a couple of things I want to work on, but none of them are "daily" types of things. Then again, since I wrote the rules, maybe I should just break them to suit myself, hah! Ok, May habit: ride my bike a minimum of 12 miles per week (in at least 2 separate outings), for a total of 50+ miles in the month.