Well, this journal may be all but abandoned, but at least I'm keeping up with progress toward my goals, hah!
- have no started-but-not-finished projects by Thanksgiving 2011
I'm coming to realize there are a LOT more unfinished projects than I realized, and that many of them require cooperation of the other half of the household (who has different priorities than I do). We'll see.
- maintain a list of todo's, and work on at least one every week (forward progress, not necessarily finished). Track via googledocs I knocked a bunch of stuff off the list this month! I decided to just focus on one or two rooms per month (though giving myself permission to pursue my muse, if feeling motivated to work on another room). During May I worked in the den and the library primarily - the advantage here is these rooms mostly needed "decorating" and Jason said he just didn't care enough to be involved, hah!
-picked out/ordered/matted/framed/hung 3 pieces of art in the den.
-Made a pillow for the "new" chair that was ordered in April/arrived in May.
-Received the den ottoman ordered in April, tried it out, hated it, returned it.
-Tightened up the existing coffee table joints and tried re-staining it (fail), decided it's "good enough" for now.
-Sanded and touched up the stain on the inherited chair at the desk in the library.
-Picked out, matted/framed/hung art/prints for the library.
-Picked out, ordered, assembled a new "comfy" chair to read in.
Plus, in the "miscellaneous/muse" category:
-Bought fabric for valence in downstairs bathroom
-Bought and hung a hotel-style towel shelf/rack for downstairs bathroom
-Hung/moved art prints into the downstairs bathroom
-Fixed the front porch screen door (needed a new closing mechanism)
- remove two units of "extra stuff" from the house each month (where unit roughly equates to a 13 gal trash bag/bankers box/equivalent). Track for entire year.
3 this month. No longer in the house: an old file box of papers from college, a small bag of clothes/shoes tossed after pulling out the "warm weather clothes", more miscellaneous crap out of my sewing room (I'm bad about accumulating stuff here under the "oh I might want to do xyz" excuse). Running total: 22 "units" (January - 9, February - 2, March - 5, April - 3, May - 3).
- Sew enough clothes that 1/3 of wardrobe is self-made (or significantly altered)
I finished: a polo shirt in breathable material for golf, a knit wrap dress, a pair of shorts to sleep/bum around in, and a knit skirt I'm wearing today. I also started but tossed/did not finish a pair of capris (no way to make them fit properly, pants continue to be my nemesis).
- Start golfing consistently at/below 45/side
Only played once or twice, on account of the May monsoon. Went pretty well overall, though I didn't keep formal score.
- Replace Jason's car, with no loan
Savings continue on track, more or less.
- Add one good habit/month. Track with daily calendar/stars. May's habit: bike at least 2x/week, for a total of 12 miles/week, 50 miles/month.
Hah, yeah, well. The weather and my motivation level meant this one didn't quite happen. I did make it out at least once a week, for a total of six bike rides and 26.5 miles. So, um, halfway there? June's habit is going to be a reprise of January - daily 5 minute pickup of the house (we get busy in nicer weather, and the house suffers), plus spending at least 30 minutes/week doing outside "maintenance" (weeding flower beds, etc).