Goals update, end of August

Sep 01, 2011 11:01

- have no started-but-not-finished projects by Thanksgiving 2011
Jason said "I think you infected me with this house progress thing." We may get there yet!

- maintain a list of todos, and work on at least one every week (forward progress, not necessarily finished). Track via googledocs.

This month was mostly work on one "big" project, so it seems less gratifying somehow. On the "small" project end, I:
*picked out, ordered, matted, framed, and hung 3 pieces of art work in the living room
*picked out, ordered, matted, framed, and hung 3 pieces of art work in the dining room

The big/joint project was:
*remove framing for attempted laundry chute
*redo drywall where chute was (hang, tape, mud, sand, re-paint wall)
*fix ceiling where chute joined in
*redo beadboard/trim where chute was (installed, still needs re-painted)

Plus J did some trim in his office and our closet. Woo, progress!

- remove two units of "extra stuff" from the house each month (where unit roughly equates to a 13 gal trash bag/bankers box/equivalent). Track for entire year.
Less productive here than some months. Two bag of clothes/shoes/misc to Goodwill, a trash bag of construction debris/old trim/etc, old coffee table donated, "half "bookshelf that was taking up closet space, bag of Christmas garland. Running total is at 54! (January - 9, February - 2, March - 5, April - 3, May - 3, June - 18, July - 8, August - 6).

- Sew enough clothes that 1/3 of wardrobe is self-made (or significantly altered)
I did 3 knit tops (love these for work!), a knit skirt (embarassingly easy), a pair of slacks, a pencil skirt, and a nightgown. I haven't counted, but I think I may be at the 1/3 mark. Casual clothes are the tough thing; I think September's goal will be to make a pair of "casual" pants (maybe corduory?) and work out a tshirt-style pattern, since those are the types of things I live in at home.

- Start golfing consistently at/below 45/side
Didn't touch the clubs in August, September is unlikely. I'm not stressing about it though, it was a largely conscious decision for both of us.

- Replace Jason's car, with no loan
He's been making a list of ones he wants to test drive; maybe we'll go do that this month.

- Add one good habit/month. Track with daily calendar/stars. August: go home for lunch every day.
August habit fail. I was really good about it for the first week, then hit super-busy season at work again, where any lunch break was a good one, plus a fair number of errands to run in the middle of day to be home in the evenings. Oh well. It was a nice thought! September: take at least 1, 5-minute walk during the day at work (change of scenery, blood moving, de-stress, etc).


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