Goals update, end of September

Sep 30, 2011 16:54

Goals update, end of September

- have no started-but-not-finished projects by Thanksgiving 2011
Wow. the list of things that are done is longer than the things to do, baffling!

- maintain a list of todos, and work on at least one every week (forward progress, not necessarily finished). Track via googledocs.

So, OMG, major progress. J was feeling motivated, and so was I, and he had some days off work. So, collectively, we:
*bought a new chair for the living room
*designed, bought supplies for, assembled/installed a wardrobe/closet system in our bedroom
*installed baseboard in our closet (walk-in)
*painted the trim and walls in the closet
*made and hung curtains in the closet
*bought/assembled/moved stuff into a new dresser
*got a new duvet cover for the bed
*painted the backroom off of J's office
*designed and started installation of the built-in trim/bookshelves in my sewing room (about 75% installed, then will need painted/stained)
*touched up paint on the back porch
*started installation of the dropped ceiling on the back porch (about 50% complete)

- remove two units of "extra stuff" from the house each month (where unit roughly equates to a 13 gal trash bag/bankers box/equivalent). Track for entire year.
Some of this was a "out with old due to new" so the net loss was less, but, hey! Still got rid of the old in a timely fashion! Out went: 2 old dressers, big fish tank, 2 bags of clothes/shoes. Running total is at 59! (January - 9, February - 2, March - 5, April - 3, May - 3, June - 18, July - 8, August - 6, September - 5).

- Sew enough clothes that 1/3 of wardrobe is self-made (or significantly altered)
Less here than some months (see the house progress list, hee hee!). I did make a pair of sleep/lounge knit pants, and a trial pair of jeans-type pants. I made pattern adjustments to those and have my first pair of corduroy pants partially done - another hour or two of work and they should be wearable, maybe this weekend.

- Start golfing consistently at/below 45/side
No golfing in September, but, eh. Not worried.

- Replace Jason's car, with no loan
Still on the "to do" list, he's still on the "oogle other cars while driving" phase, haha!

- Add one good habit/month. Track with daily calendar/stars. September: take a 5 minute walk daily at work.
The walking-as-stress-relief worked well. I, uh, took a lot of walks, hah! October: ...I don't know yet, actually. I'll have to give it some thought and will edit once I decide. So there!


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