* Maintain a running list of house "to do" items, and show progress on at least one per week.
* Declutter 2 "units" of stuff/month.
* Sew at least one item in each "category" per quarter. Categories are: bottoms (pants, skirts, shorts, dresses), tops, over-layers (suit jackets, cardigans, coats), accessories/utilitarian (PJs, purses/bags, etc).
* Sew a complete "SWAP" of casual clothes for Spring/Summer.
* Go on at least 2 vacations of the "long weekend" variety.
* Lose 25 lbs (2 lbs/month)
* Attend at least 2 yoga classes; decide about longer-term participation
* Vacuum the house every week, and mop the wood floors at least once/month.
* Plan at least one social/novel outing each month
* Send out one resume/month to explore options