Title: So I Can See
Theme: The Look in Your Eyes
Series: Vampire Knight
Character: Hanabusa Aido
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: don't own
There's a look in your eyes when you're looking for him.
Did you know?
There's a feeling in the air, heavy and sweet, that enters with you when the door swings open.
Can you tell?
There's a sound I can't hear, a music to my ears that sings a song like divided loyalty and sends an arrow to my heart.
Do you hear?
There's a look in your eyes when you're thinking of him, so I embrace you with ice, hold you frozen so I can see this strange look, feel this strange emotion, hear this strange music for myself.
A/N: In honor of Aido, who doesn't get enough love *huggles Idol*
Slowly, slowly, I'm getting closer to the enigma that is Kaname. MAybe next time.