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Jul 09, 2010 01:53

Since I haven't been posting that often, here's some little updates of things that have been going on! Geek stuff will go under a cut because they're long ^^;

-Fanime!: Fanime went by so quickly this year! Here's an incredibly short con report, since we didn't go to Masquerade or took any pictures of anything, there's no need to make a huge report, ne?:

Thursday: Registration line took hours! Fanime really is getting popular. But seeing the hundreds of people with Pokewalkers made me smile. Swap Meet was great! Found lots of great deals. And then we went grocery shopping.. and that's about it for Thursday XD

Friday: Shopped around at Dealer room, saw a ton of people I knew which was great. We decided to try this Mexican restaurant that everyone talks about called La Victoria, it was awesome. They have this weird orange sauce that is to die for! Then we went to the Flow concert an hour before doors opening, but.. strangely, not a lot of people were there. We got to sit near the front for the concert, and it was a very fun concert. Except something about the concert hall made me feel incredibly sick everytime I stepped in there, so I had to sit out for a lot of the songs. Oh yeah, and the concerts were done a bit differently this year.. they decided that it would be smart to make us all stay at our seats the whole time. Which pisses me off because I'm sorry, but I can't dance when everyone around me is sitting and doesn't want to dance, they should have had a dance area like they used to. Meh, that was the only part of Fanime this year that rubbed me the wrong way. After the concert we went back to the swap meet for a bit, then passed out in the room.

Saturday: We showed up late for the Dark Horse panel, which was a lot of fun because they talked about a lot of new CLAMP things coming out. They had some samples that they passed around the room, and since we sat in the back we got things last. They were passing around a remastered sample of Cardcaptor Sakura which I was quite interested in, and the girl in front of us read it. Again. And again. She read it 5 times before she passed it to us, agggh! I also noticed that everyone had a Cardcaptor poster and we came in too late to get any, but luckily we found some outside X3 After that was more dealer room shopping, and then Artist's Alley, where we saw our friend Evie from Sac Anime, and she showed me a video of her nipple being pierced. My boobs have ached ever since. lol. And this is when we made the decision to go to panels instead of Masquerade. Which turned out to be a pretty bad decision, but aw well. We started with an Intern in the Manga Industry panel, which really wasn't that helpful considering manga companies only let you intern when you're in high school or college, something I didn't know. Lame! Then we went to a god awful panel about the murders in Umineko, which I thought would be insightful, at least. But the person running it was a friend of the guy who was supposed to run it, or something? Anyway, it was basically "Umineko is about murders and mystery. There's witches. There's a lot of doujinshi about it. Ok somebody come up here and discuss." WHAAAT. It was so bad that we had to leave! We went to Whose Line Is It Anime instead, which was so great. After that we went to a panel called Your Otaku Business because I thought it might give some ideas of what to do, but it was just a panel about how to run ANY business, basically laws and permits you have to get and junk. So yeah, we probably should have gone to Masquerade instead, but oh well. After that we went to the best panel of the weekend, called All Mangaka Are Perverts. It was run by a really outgoing group of friends, who basically showed us hentai manga with burgers convering the erm.. "important" parts, hahaha. Oh man, the commentary was hilarious. I loved that panel! Oh, and I found out that the mangaka of my favorite Pokemon manga, Toshihiro Ono, draws hentai manga XD I'm.. slightly not surprised, but still it was so funny.

Sunday: We went to the Pop Japan Travel panel late, and our tour guides from our Japan trip, Evan and Gigi, were hosting the panel! XD Evan stopped mid sentence and was shocked to see us, and he said "I'm sorry but you're in this presentation!" I wasn't sure what he meant, but I found out later.. my entire fricking face, in my least favorite picture the entire Japan trip, was the background of the entire slide for an upcoming video game tour. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. lol omg it was so embarassing! But the panel was fun because they kept asking us if the food was good and stuff, felt like we were celebrities or something hahaha. They had a raffle at the end, and John won a couple of manly manga. We met with Evan and Gigi after the panel and caught up a bit, and they gave us the new brochures for Pop Japan Travel and we're in them XD So cool. After the meeting, we went back to the dealer room for a bit, then we were going to go to a Figure Collecting panel but the rooms were switched or something, so we didn't end up going. Instead we went to try a diner near the concert area, which was really greasy but not bad for the price. Then we got in line for LMC, but they were insanely strict for the concert and searched bags for cameras. So John had to run all the way back to the hotel and drop the camera, really sucks. The line took around 2 hours, and we were sitting among the most immature high school kids possible. They were yelling profanities, making fun of people, yelling how much LMC sucks (what are you DOING there, then?), and just being general idiots. I don't know if John and I are just getting old, or what, but obnoxious people annoy the hell out of us. The concert itself was amazing, but again I wish there was a dance area. And again, the concert hall made me feel sick, so I stayed sitting most of the time. But the songs were great! I definitely became an LMC fan, and ended up buying a CD.

Monday: We went to Anime Bingo, which amazingly wasn't cancelled (it's been cancelled at the last 4 cons that have had it), but the prizes were kind of lame. John got a glow sword and I got a ring pop, lol. Did some more shopping and some more walking around, checked out another session of Whose Line is it Anime, then we went to Closing Ceremonies, which is always so very sad. Fanime goes by in a flash, I really wish it was twice a year like Sac Anime! But it was a great weekend, got to see a ton of friends, spent far too much money, had some great experiences, and I can't wait for next year. ^^

-Miyavi concert: The concert was 5 million times better than I was expecting! There were 6 other people there, and we got to go in early and see Miyavi perform for about 20 minutes, but it was like having a personal concert. It was a little terrifying because at first he didn't really acknowledge our presence and it was kinda awkward, but after he said hi to us we all felt a lot better XD Not only that, but we all got to stand in our own line outside away from the other insane fangirls, we got to go into the venue before everyone else, so for the first time I stood right in front of the stage. It was painful (people LOVE to push you against the gating), but an incredible experience. Everyone was so into the concert, the floor actually bounced under my feet XD Miyavi really knows how to please his fans, and the man can play an insane guitar riff. My personal favorite song was "Super Mother Fucking Bitch", which he insisted we all sang. Soo much fun, lol. Oh yeah, and we met some awesome new friends named Kate and Audrina, got their numbers so we'll be going to another Miyavi concert with them again next time he's in town ♥ Miyavi is someone you really need to see live if you're into J-Music, his show is incredible, really. So glad John won ^^

-In the biggest news of all, John got a job with a biopharmaceutical company.. and that means that we'll be moving in together very soon ^^ I'm incredibly excited! We just celebrated our 7th year anniversary a few weeks ago, and we are more than ready to start our lives together.

-All of a sudden, this past month especially, people from my past are popping up and wanting to get together. Not a bad thing! Last weekend I got to have lunch with my high school buddy Victor, I haven't seen him in 5 years. It was so fantastic and I'm so glad we met up. I was worried it would be awkward, but it wasn't at all! We chatted it up, the time went by like a flash, hopefully we can hang out again before he heads back to LA. After the very pleasant lunch I picked John up and we went to the county fair, and I finally after 7 years got John to go on the Zipper ride :D Hehehe. I love the Zipper, but John didn't seem to like it much ^^; But thats ok, he finally went on it! lol. The fair was pretty much the same as it is every year, but that's not a bad thing.

-I just have to mention something that happened today, because nobody believes me when I say people call me a kid.. today I went to a farmer's market with my mom to pick up some fresh fruit, and there was a coffee vendor. The vendor gave a trial cup to my mom, and not to me, which I thought was odd. My mom handed me the cup to taste, and I said, "I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but I would definitely drink this, it's very smooth." And so the vendor looks at me and says, "Oh, well you know ten year olds LIKE YOU really shouldn't be drinking coffee from places like Starbucks, it has hormones that stunt your growth." Ten? TEN?!? I get asked if I'm a freshman in high school all the time, but TEN?! I'm turning 24 next week! I just can't wait until I'm 50 and people will think I'm 20 XD

-Persona 3 for PSP is amazing amazing amazing, I can't believe I've bought (basically) the same game for the 3rd time, but still find so much joy in it and all the changes they make. I need a Minako icon, eeeep.

There's plenty more going on, I'll try to post more often! For the most part though, things are going well ^^

fanime, this post could be a novel, con report

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