1. Reply to this post with the word FRUIT and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
This one used to be my default. It's made by
spriink , and I thought it was one of the most beautiful pictures of Anne Hathaway I'd seen. I'm big on Anne Hathaway, btw. I love her. Also I liked it because it went with my lj layout.
This one is one of my favorite icons. It's from Sailor Moon, which I super-loved as a kid and remain fond of today. This icon honestly makes me laugh...and it doesn't hurt that it's adorable.
I LOVE EVERYTHING BATMAN SO MUCH. Barbara Gordon is (in my opinion) freaking awesome. Also, comics!Batgirl kicks the shit out of is so, so much better than Batgirl in any other tv show or cartoon. In case anyone didn't know, I'm a Batman freak. I made this icon my default like five seconds after I found it. P.S. Barbara Gordon is the best Batgirl EVER. That is all.
Hahahahahahahaha. This is an icon from the "Beach Games" episode of The Office in the third season...Andy fell ino the water wearing an inflatable sumo wrestler costume, and Angela (being Angela) let him float away...I saw this and loved it. But I lost track of who made it. :( If anyone knows who made it, I'll update and credit right away!
A color crop of Maggie Gyllenhall as Rachel Dawes in The Dark Knight. TDK is one of my favorite movies, and I thought Maggie Gyllenhall made a far better Rachel than Katie Holmes. This particular icon I like because it looks hopeful and the colors are gorgeous.
This is Alan Grant from Jurassic Park. He was pretending to be shocked by the 100,000 volts electric fence and scared the kids! But then Timmy got shocked...not so funny. ALAN GRANT IS ONE OF THE BEST FICTIONAL CHARACTERS EVER. He makes this movie for me.