way to go

Jul 31, 2005 13:54

its been too long since ive last updated. but i finally have pictures. lots of pictures. ill just tell everything with the pictures i suppose.

so here we go..

ok now ive already wrote about my road trip but here are the pictures.

pictures from the ferry

so thats not our boat but close enough

this one and the next were both pictures of haines when we were coming in

this i believe was their main grocery store.. it was soo wierd, very hillbilly like
the next few are just outside of haines

we were about half way between haines and the border and we stopped to get gas and there was a helicopter there it was kinda cool with it being in the middle of nowhere

canada customs

it was cool because at times we could see the road going on and on between mountains and then other times it seemed like it disappeared into the sky

we followed this lake for a while, its huge and the prettiest thing ive seen. the water was the gorgeous blue color it reminded us of something youd see in hawaii.

a bee got stuck in the crack between dustins hood and truck.

we lifted the hood and there were some nasty bugs and a huge moth that had gotten hit

beaver creek in canada, its pretty much the last town before the border

the us customs

this was taken from our motel in tok. it was a really pretty red and orange sunset but you cant really tell from the picture.

we went through a construction area and it was all dirt roads. i had to wash my windshield off so many times to see out of it finally we found a gas station to stop and clean it off.

this is when the road started getting bad with tons of twists and and long drops and sometimes no guardrails. but we were following this pretty river.

the rest of these are in anchorage.

the first few days of getting there and we went to all the main stores, freds, walmart, carrs, the bank, costco and a bunch of other places.
i really wanted a hampster so we decided to go get one since dustins grandma had the cage, dishes, toys, wheels, bedding and everything besides the food and hampster itself.

we went to petco and we were watching all the other critters. they had a ton of ferrets and mice. the mice were so cute watching.

so i got my hampster. hes sooo cute. we named him peanut butter. we were gonna get another one and name it jelly but i dotn think we are gonna anymore. the name fits him though.

we went to red robin for dinner and when we were leaving there was a pretty rainbow.

dustin was playing hockey in the street and i was bored so i took a bunch of pictures while sitting in the front yard.

the last week or so has been somewhat eventful though. dustins friend matt was in town for coasty testing. we hung out with him and his roommate. we went to two movies with salena also. we saw bad news bears and the wedding crashers. both excellent hilarious movies. we tried to go do go carts but someone had reserved it the day we wanted to go so we havent gone yet. i had orientation of friday. i found out that i signed up for a class that i dont want and i dont need it so i got out of that and i think im gonna do the honors program but i need to talk to someone tomorrow. so i got everything figured out except the tour got me even more confused than i was before so i need to go and find my classes and i still need to get a parking pass and my books. then after i got done with orientation salena and i went to the sullivan arena to check out the shopping deal going on there. it was lame though because neither of us had money on us and it cost us 5$ to park so we had to go downtown and find one of my atms so then we finally found one and had to park and put money in a meter then go to the atm and back to the arena and then it cost us 6$ to get into the arena i was kinda pissed i had wasted 11$. but oh well it was still kinda cool but we didnt buy anything. i probably wont be doing it again. then we went to blockbuster and rented a bunch of movies. we got bridgett jones diary the old and new one, coach carter and man of the house. we came back to my house and watched movies and made nachos. they were not good at all. we watched our movies and had a grand ol time. saturday morning we went to the street market they have every weekend. it was tons of fun and they had some awesome stuff. i found a bunch of stuff i want. we got a really good funnel cake and then went to the mall and window shopped. i found some more stuff i want to get there too but didnt have the money for at the time. we also went wedding ring shopping. i found this ring i really want, too bad its 10K. other than all that all ive been doing is unpacking and getting stuff for our place.

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