PICTURE POST<3<3//comments please<3

Jan 08, 2006 15:30

Im so sorry my baby<3

Piper, Me, Stewy, &&Josh and Mac from Holland :]]

me drunk.

me drunk again.

my husband and i<3 man, i love him so much<3


mac, stewy, piper

josh with a box on his head..

josh still with a box on his head..

stewy and josh...

stewy and josh...

stewy and josh...

stewy and josh...

I had the worst drunk hiccups ever :[[

kissy kissy

me and josh


Im sorry; i got really lazy while uploading, I just uploaded them straight to photobucket with out going through photoshop to resize them and photobuckets resize is kinda crazy so i hope you enjoy one of the worst days of my life, i do know that the ending was pretty fun [[if you couldnt notice we were all drinking haha]]
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