(no subject)

Sep 13, 2010 13:29

Time for a more in depth post!

Todd ended up moving back to West Virginia. He only stayed for maybe two or three months and ended up getting really homesick. Chris was pretty upset, of course, but I think it's for the best. Don't get me wrong, I got along with him pretty well and he's a funny guy, but I was kinda unhappy when he was here. I hardly ever got to see Chris because they were always hanging out, he ate all of our food and smoked Chris' cigarettes, never cleaned up after himself after the first week or two, and ran our AC constantly while we were gone/asleep. And I'm not gonna lie, he could definitely get on your nerves. I do miss him, though.

When he left, we obviously had a free room again. Two of my friends had been talking to me about their crappy living situations and Chris and I discussed letting one of them take the free room. At this point, we don't even need the extra money [we have managed to finally get out of debt and only owe on one small payday loan, yay!!] but decided to let one of them room with us just to help THEM out. This may come as a shock to the few of you that have "known" me through the years but the person we decided on was...

Yes, Kiah, my ex, Kiah, the girl I was obsessed with and completely psycho over. She moved back to Florida in January and we've maintained a careful friendship since then, and more recently, established some trust and comfort again. Now what you may not know is that she also dated Chris waaaay back in the day as well and there was a good bit of drama when he was with Jannah, and even a teeny tiny bit with me when Chris and I first got together. So naturally, I had some reservations but we talked about it and I made it clear what would happen if I found out anything was going on. But it appears I was concerned over nothing because there hasn't been any problems and it's actually been an awesome experience so far! She worked at a daycare so I trust her with the boys, and they both love her. She not only picks up after herself but even helps with the housework too! And she fits in well here, everyone gets along, there's no tension or drama whatsoever. I really honestly don't see any shady shit going down, and if I'm wrong then I'll deal with it, but as of right now, I've got a good thing going on :]. She doesn't have a job but she's been applying everywhere and is supposed to be calling t-mobile tomorrow to schedule an interview. Like I said, we don't really need the money but it would help and I know SHE wants a job so she can get her life on track again.

My uncle with kidney failure is doing terrible, everybody is starting to get real nervous. My gramma has been with him for weeks now, I miss her so much. But I understand that she needs to be there with him. However, my other uncle with hepatitis is doing really well! So that's good. Everyone and everything else is the same as always. Can't complain about that :]

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