Seriously, read this xD
So last night at about, 2:30 AM, I was listening to music trying to sleep like the insomniac I am but I really had to pee, like so bad. I don't know if any of you have ever had an ultrasound, but they make you drink like three huge glasses of water 2 hours before and then make you wait for everyone infront of you to get theirs done and you literally feel like you're going to explode...that was be laying in bed last night.
Since it was way past midnight I was afraid to get up to go because then my dad would give me hell for still being awake, I tried to hold it for a while, about 20 minutes before I gave in. So I skip happily to the bathroom excited to get all this liquid of of me that's been irritating me for quite a while and out of nowhere (not quite, it actually crept up from behind the cupboard beside my toilet) this HUGE FUCKING BUG, LITERALLY THE SAME LENGTH AS MY MIDDLE FINGER, just crawls up from behind the cupboard 30 CM AWAY FROM MY LEGS, stares me in the eye for 2 seconds then RETREATS! I swear, I've never peed so fucking slow in my entire life. Just this was the ugliest fucking bug I've ever seen, I don't know if it have 6 billion hairs on it or if those were it's legs but as soon as I was done I fucking booked it out to the hallway, slammed the bathroom door, turned out the light and pushed some dirty laundry infront of the door so it couldn't make it's way across the hall into my room and lay it's eggs in my brain.
I was literally crying and panting when I was finished clogging the bathroom door with clothes. I'm not even afraid of bugs but this thing was like the King kKng of all bugs and it was way to close to me for comfort. I yelled at my dad downstairs, "WE HAVE FUCKING CENTIPEDES! AND THEY ARE FUCKING UGLY, GIVE ME THE RAID!" and he chuckled and said they crawl up through the drains and to just step on it. "I'M NOT STEPPING ON SOMETHING THAT COULD SWALLOW MY FUCKING FOOT AND THERE'S NO WAY THAT THING COULD FIT IT'S ASS THROUGH ANY PIPE IN THIS HOUSE !" *went a bit over board on that part but you should have seen the fucking thing !*
So I spent the night in my brother's room that's way at the end of the hall and I had a total of 3 bad dreams about this one bug. Everytime my hair would sweep against my face or arm I'd think it was the bug and have like a miniture seizure to get it off. Thank god I passed out eventually, but when I woke up it was 2:30 PM and I definitely missed school....again >_>
So I had about 7 text messages this morning asking if I was at school or where I was, so when people start to ask me on msn, Ima send them the link to this.
I swear, if I ever see this bug again, I'm moving to Andreea's house. Oh, and I decided to name it as well. From now on I shall refer to this bug as Astaroth, because I'm sure if this thing was human, it would look a lot like Astaroth from Soul Calibur. XD