Somestimes a bad day and a step back makes you realize a few things

Nov 19, 2010 20:26

Public:So, first off, I want to make a very sincere apology to all you men out there-especially to one in particular, you know who you are! I made a comment on a certain someone’s journal about ALL men being players. I’m sorry, now, that I said that. I should have said ‘most’ or ‘some’ but not ‘all’. I’m not going to give any excuses or tell ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

Ashlynn shaun_levi November 20 2010, 04:17:22 UTC
For one, the apology wasn't necessary and yet accepted. Everyone has an off day and this just happen to be one of ours I suppose. Excuses aren't really needed, I read into it wrong and I was also in the wrong as well to an extent. I shouldn't have stepped into your conversation with someone else ( ... )


Re: Ashlynn ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 04:58:44 UTC
An apology was needed, I thought. I mean, I'm not trying to start another argument with you,I just needed to apology for me. All I could give you is just excuses, nothing concrete, just stupid stuff that in hindsight really means nothing unless I let it ( ... )


Re: Ashlynn shaun_levi November 20 2010, 16:43:11 UTC
I know that you are not trying to start another argument and we are simply just talking this out, that's what communication is all about. Communication is the key to a good relationship or a friendship for that matter. Ashlynn, everything can be taken as an excuse, it's just whether to the other as to they take it as an excuse or as something concrete or not ( ... )


Re: Ashlynn ashlynn_james November 21 2010, 01:47:14 UTC
Shaun... I'm sorry that I haven't answered this sooner. I needed to think about everything that you've said and work off some pent up frustrations that I've had lately. Let me say that that workout that I had a little bit ago nearly killed me O.o Literally haha.

Anyway, kidding aside, I needed to think. I needed to try and put myself in your shoes so that I could try to figure out what was going on in that head of yours. Frankly, I'm still confused a bit. I mean, I understand why you asked the question to a point but...

Shaun...are you looking for a way out? I don't want to let you go or you let me go, but if you want out or need time or whatever I'll step away. As hard as it would be, I'll step away...


Ash Bay-bay rebecca_styce November 20 2010, 04:26:18 UTC
O.o Umm okay and why are you needing a good hard slap to the face STAT?

Red Dragon so does not fit you! I'd have to say more so like a blue dragon... :P This was an interesting piece to read from you. It's nice to see you write about something you are so much into and yes, I'm being fucking nosy.. to what guy are you apologizing to?


Re: Ash Bay-bay ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 05:03:11 UTC
Because I'm going to end up screwing shit up with Shaun. I nearly self-destructed our relationship earlier and now he's asking me what I want in a relationship. What the fuck, Becca??

I know, right? I can't believe I've never written about dragons before. Red Dragon doesn't fit me, no, but then again it does say dragons can choose to be good, haha.

I was apologizing to Shaun, for something that I said on Mekhi's journal. Here, I'll message you what all happened and then you can come smack me. ((Just pretend that Ash emailed her the private entry between her and Shaun on Mekhi's page)) I'm also apologizing to all of my guy friends because none of them are really players. I think they try to be but in the end they just end up caught, ahhahaha.


Re: Ash Bay-bay rebecca_styce November 20 2010, 16:01:45 UTC
O_O... Okay wait a second... WTH! He totally took what you had written out of context! From what I read, it seems that he has an issue, one that you seemingly poked at. At least from my point of view you had.

I'm NOT going to slap you for that! You really do anything wrong Ashlynn and for him to ask what you're wanting in a relationship, sounds like a man that is fishing. What for, only he knows but aren't the women generally the ones that ask men that type of question?

That and I refuse to slap you cause I don't need plastic surgery, I like my face just the way it is... lmfao!

True, I think every living thing has a choice whether to good or bad, even down to the smallest of molecules, such as the simplest protozoa, like the ameba!


Re: Ash Bay-bay ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 16:13:34 UTC
That's what I thought, too, but he denies it. He says he has no sore spots...

THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT! I'm worried, Becca. I like him, I really do, but if he isn't totally into the relationship he should bow out now before he breaks my heart. Yes, the women are generally the one to ask that question and I hadn't...until now. I answered his question and then asked it of him and am waiting for his reply. Damn it! Wish you had responded before I answered him... I might have said a couple of things differently.

Bwahahahaha!! I would never rearrange your beautiful face!! NEVER!!

Hahahah! You had to take it that step further, didn't you? You goob! But yes, everything has a choice between good and bad and some of us know how to ride that fine line of inbetween ;)


g_sambrook November 20 2010, 04:31:46 UTC
Copper Dragon here ! :P

This was an interesting journal to read, though not as funny as that last one that went up but, it was interesting to read and very insightful when it comes to learning about all the different types of Dragons there are or were, which ever.

I always just figured they were all the same, just came in many different colors, didn't know that the colors had stood for anything really. i always just considered a dragon a dragon and the ones taking on forms of humans, that's just creepy and slightly hard to believe really.

So with you being called the red dragon and disagreeing that it fits you... what do you consider yourself more like?


ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 05:16:17 UTC
Hahaha! I'd agree with that ( ... )


g_sambrook November 20 2010, 16:14:24 UTC
That one would be the one I am referring to. That shit had me cracking he hell up and I must say that if any of my buddies pulled a stunt like that, I'd be whooping some ass. :p ( ... )


ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 16:24:06 UTC
Haha! You say you would be whopping ass, but that would so make you a hypocrite! You would so crack into Shaun's journal if you could you Copper Dragon you! :p

Or Bigfoot, or ET or... the list could go on. But yes, you are right. Until they can absolutely disprove it, then I believe that dragons did roam the earth.

I'm not sure if I believe in reincarnation but it's not like you would remember your past life anyway. Though some people say they do remember. I must have been a dragon at one time or another hahaha.

It's a funny image, isn't it? Yes, Becca is single though i have a feeling she has her eyes set on someone. I think the Copper one fits you very well. And I think that all the personalities can mix.

That's not bad, but um yeah you can believe that there is a bit of blue in me. You just haven't seen it...yet. Ask Becca, she knows how bad I can be O.o I'm not someone you want to piss off.

So, how are you fitting in here in Denver? How are things?


crawford_b November 20 2010, 15:39:47 UTC
Ashlynn the great!

Awesome fucking entry! Bout god damn time I'd actually say and there was quite a bit of pretty interesting facts. Not much to the good ones are there, though from what I gathered on this little piece is that each Dragon can choose whether their soul is of evil or good so, on that note I must say.. Bravo job on the lesson of Dragons.

I'd like to think that I am every dragon placed into one!

So were you off pissing off men again, so as to the fact you're making a public apology? I will be the one to say it.. ALL MEN ARE PLAYERS! In some way, in some fashion we are all JERKS. We can be self centered, childish. We are as such because let's just face it, NICE guys DO finish LAST! For the most part, being nice never works with women and so men have learn to adapt to being that player in order to get what he sees, likes and wants.

... )


ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 16:01:06 UTC
=D I'm going to have to get that on a t-shirt "Ashlynn the Great ( ... )


crawford_b November 20 2010, 17:12:56 UTC
You're welcome and what.. no damn fucking curtsy? Oh wait, you aren't the dainty type to be one to curtsy , instead you bow :p

Bwahaha Brandon the Awesome.. I'd like to think that I am Brandon the magnificent God! :p Haha okay, I have a HUGE ego :p

When aren't most women pissing men off? Just as when aren't men making women into bitches, right? Thus that is true, to each their own and we ALL have played the game at one point in time or another. Man and woman have their faults, we ALL have some type of player in us, just depends on how we put it to use is all.

I figured you could use a bit of laughter in your day. You mean Kismet? As in our online friendship is fate and I might be able to agree with that.


ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 17:24:59 UTC
You expected me to curtsy? Oh fuck that! haha! I only curtsy for royalty, my dear! and plus, I'm not wearing a dress.

HUGE ASS EGO ALERT!!! Bwahahahah! Maybe Brandon the Magnificent, but you can leave off the word God! I shall not worship you! ;P

True and true... everyone plays a game.. just depends on the person on if you play it well.

And laughter was very much needed. And yes, I meant Kismet, I just didn't realize I spelled it wrong is all. And yes, our online friendship is fate, because I think you might be the only guy out there that might understand me... anyway.. you and Dip...
When are we going to spar???


Rojo dayanar_pevita November 20 2010, 15:45:33 UTC
O.o A public apology? Are you out giving men a run for their damn money again Rojo?

Very interesting journal, I like dragons but I have never been what's the word, taught about them. I have never researched them really and to say the least, it's very umm, interesting to be able to read up on them. I hadn't known that there were good dragons, I figured that they were all bad based on some of the stories and movies I've seen growing up and I have never seen the movie Braveheart. Though i have been told that it's a good movie.

So how the fuck is my Rojo doing?


Re: Rojo ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 16:08:28 UTC
I guess I am. I called ALL men players and well... Shaun took offense to that and all hell kinda sorta broke loose.

Glad that you liked the journal ;) I love dragons and I know a lot about them, which might make me weird but so be it. With all bad there must be good and vice versa so that there is a balance. So yes, there are good dragons. They just like to play on bad dragons because they aren't as boring. And you mean DragonHeart! It's a good movie and I'm going to have to watch it again sometime. Perhaps you'll come watch it with me. Braveheart is about a Scottish man trying to save his country from the English, no dragons involved but it's got Mel Gibson in a kilt haha.

How am I doing? Well... honestly, Dip, half that time I don't know what the fuck I'm doing anymore. I mean I'm doing good, but... I don't know. Let's talk about you! How are things going with you???


Re: Rojo dayanar_pevita November 20 2010, 17:27:44 UTC
Oh lordy.... All men ARE players, some are just better at it then others is all and if he's all in a huff about something you had said, then maybe he's the one that has the problem and not you Rojo ( ... )


Re: Rojo ashlynn_james November 20 2010, 20:23:47 UTC
Haha! Where were you and all the other guys-that are agreeing with me today-yesterday? You know, I'm starting to think you and Becca are right and he does have a problem. The million dollar question: What the fuck is his problem ( ... )


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