Rules of the game: Post 5 WEIRD and RANDOM facts about yourself, then
at the end of the list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do
this.Also, leave a comment on their blog/xanga to let them know.
1.) As much as I've grown to hate all that teeny bopper music I once
loved, I still own all my NSync, Backstreet Boys, Ricky Martin CDs (and
then some), and every so often I bust them out and listen to them, just
because I still can. :)
2.) I burp and fart more than any female should ever do, and I'm proud of it too!
3.) As much of an airhead as we all know I tend to be, I just lack
common sense. Sometimes I don't do it on purpose, but other times I act
that way just to get a reaction out of people.
4.) I'm extremely obsessed with Family Guy! I own all 3 seasons on DVD,
the Stewie Griffin Movie, and I plan on getting the newest season when
it comes out this month. Not only that, but I can quote a majority of
each episode perfectly, and I can (almost immediately) name the title
given to the episodes on my DVDs. Random and weird, yes, rather sad
also haha
5.) As much of a foul mood I'm in, whether it be on the verge of
tears or screaming at someone, one of my friends can say the most
random and/or stupidly amusing thing, and I almost immediately snap out
of it and just laugh, no matter how horrible of a mood I'm feeling :)
Ok, now I'm tagging: Kali, Tony, Julie, Becci and Missy. Have fun guys!