so the meme is you say interview me and then i ask you 5 interview questions of my choice...
1) Who is your favorite Stargate SG-1 character (or movie)? Why?
Hmmm, well I would say obviously Ra (see the icon) because the power draws me in (plus he is just so sexy), but in terms of someone that i would appreciate knowing, meebe skaara because i appreciate his inquisitivness, loyalty, and determination... plus his ability to stand apart from the crowd. I have not watched the tv show yet, so i can't comment on them.
2) What is your favorite theory book? Why?
That is a hard one, because it depends on what aspect of it. I would overall have to say the first three essays by riki wilchins in genderqueer, seconded by sexing the body. Riki because she does a great job mixing hardcore queer resistance, with a sharing of the reasons behind queer upset, plus an understandable read, plus it brings theory so simply to everyone. I would have to say sexing the body because if find it to be a nice mix of genres and modes as compared with other theory books. I feel that sometimes she is a bit heavy with the preaching and soapbox, and sometimes she is too dry, but i like how she mixes it up.
3) Who is one of your favorite composers? Why?
I am assuming this means for orchestral works, so probably Nobuo Uematsu, he gives that hectic end of times style that i like. He has more of a range and dymanicism than britten, and more variety than shore.
4) If you were a spaceship, which would you be?
hmmm, that is a hard one because i am not sure what it means or why i would be any ship in particular. But if i had to choose i would want to be one with at least an illusion of sentience(sp) and lots of power. Possibly max from flight of the navigator, or this one ship that was in a star trek episode, i can't describe it really, but it was alive and that was nice. Or maybe the ships of the Oankali in Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler
5) If you could have any job in the world, which would you have?
That is a hard one, but it would probably have to be some sort of social sex theorist, that or a latin scholar, or meebe a composer, or maybe...