It's Free!
It's a good excuse to dress in Japanese clothes! (I'll be wearing my yukata [summer kimono]) :D
七夕 (Tanabata)
DATE: Monday, July 6,2009
TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Casa de Luz 1701 Toomey Rd Austin,78704
FEE: Free Tanabata Star Festival
Tanabata Festival is a Japanese tradition wherein people write their wishes on small strips of papers and hang them on bamboo branches. People decorate bamboo branches with various kinds of paper decorations and place them outside their houses. Many cities and towns hold tanabata festivals and have tanabata displays, decorating the main streets.
Tanabata Star Festival is one of the most colorful celebrations in Japan. The festivities which take place across Japan on 7th July are inspired by an ancient Chinese legend about the love of two stars that were only allowed to meet once a year on this date. The celebrations take the form of magnificent parades with lanterns, streamers and origami decorating streets and homes. It also involves plenty of looking up to the heavens, as legend has it that any wish (particularly romantic) upon the two stars made on that day will come true.
Tanabata Star Festival- Origami Wokshop
will include history of Tanabata ,making special Tanabata decoration by an origami, decorating the bamboo tree with them and celebrating a tanabata with a Tanabata song. Tanabata wishes will also be made, written on traditional Japanese paper and hung out on bamboo trees.
Tanabata is the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi: Also, is anyone going to Anime Overload and/ or San Japan?