[mod post] Introduction & F.A.Q

May 19, 2009 09:50

This community asian_soulmates is a claiming community, and the rules are pretty similar to iam_lj. However, instead of claiming real-life actors/actresses/musicians/etc. to be you, we're here to claim real-life Asian actors/actresses/musicians/etc. to be your soulmates.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Claiming communities are everywhere. Why do you even bother making another one?
Well I've seen plenty claiming communities around but they're all for claiming your boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives/etc., not soulmates. Plus, this community is restricted to Asian non-fictional characters only.

2. Why is my post rejected?
You don't have either the subject line or the correct category in your post. If the person you want to claim is an actor/actress, he/she normally stars in lots of movies/dramas, so you do not need to list a fandom for him/her. This also applies to solo artists. But when it comes to bands' members, your post will be rejected if you don't include fandom in it.

3. Can I claim a half-Asian like Leah Dizon?
Yes, you can.

4. The person I want to claim was already taken. What should I do?
You can either claim another person or check if the lj user who had the character you want followed the rules properly. If that journal was deleted or inactive / that lj user doesn't have the claim shown somewhere public & noticeable and link back to us / that lj user doesn't stay a member of this community, you can notify me by commenting here and make a post later claiming that character.

5. How do I get rid of my claim?
Comment here and I'll delete your claim. If you change your username but still want to keep your claim or want to change your claim, also leave a comment here.


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