Title: Touching the Sky
asianchik92 Genre: angst? fluff?
Pairings: Changmin-centric, no other pairing...
Rating: G
Word Count: 613 small
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these people, they are people and no one has the right to "own" people..
Summary: Changmin forgot how to reach for the sky.
A/N: Thank You
atobekazuki for beta-ing this...
Changmin sighed as he heard yelling from his house, again. As of late, he had been coming home to a house that was almost always overturned and the yelling vulgar and obscene. He walked up the steps to the small porch in front of the house, pulling out his keys as he reached the door. Sliding it gently into the slot, he turned it over, unlocking the door with a slight click.
He stepped into the house, hearing his fathers voice yelling at his mothers. Changmin pressed his lips together into a straight line, gritting his teeth together. Slipping off his shoes he distinctly heard the words 'divorce' and 'despicable' along with the littering of curse words and insults. As quietly as possible, he walked past the family room to his own room. Quickly shoving his bag in, he practically jumped in and locked the door behind him.
His parents had been doing this a lot lately. Arguing then one of them leaves in the middle of the night, only to come back the next morning to initiate another argument.
Changmin's mind flew to happier times, back when he was five, when he was able to hold onto his mother's and father's arms and swing, when he was able to make silly mistakes and be immediately forgiven. He remembered being pushed on the swing set high up, until he thought he could touch the sky.
Those days were long past, but his mind couldn't help but remember the good times. His parents now argued about everything, from putting too much sugar in each others coffee to working too late. Changmin watched quietly, never one to interfere with his parents arguments. His head hurt from the yelling while his heart hurt from the insults that were aimed at least one of them, but sometimes included him.
He cursed his luck, going through his first year in high school with his life a living hell. He could see his schedule: wake up to yelling, leave as the yelling continued, go to school in peace, come back to the yelling, and go to sleep as the yelling kept going.
His classmates never bothered to ask why Changmin was always quiet, and timid. They never bothered to ask why he sat in silence most of the day, and only spoke when the teacher called on him. He never brought attention to himself, never talked back, was never the class clown, never the person that bullied people. He was a stoic personality, never showing any emotion that he thought was inappropriate for the situation.
He never meant to show people his actual feelings, the feelings of not letting people in; of building walls to protect himself, walls that kept him separate from the world outside. Inside the walls though there were three people, as Changmin put it, Me, myself and I.
He wore a facade to cover up sleepless nights spent listening to his parents arguing. He knew there was a crack that was too big to be ignored, but no one noticed, no one paid attention enough to notice the fractures on his mask.
No one except the new kids at school, there was four of them, all upperclassmen. They noticed, they noticed all the little tiny cracks, all the breaks and all the jagged edges. They noticed dark circles, uneven eyes, straight mouth--when happy-- and even eyes, and uneven mouth when angry.
They saw him, but not the facade he wanted them to see. They saw him as being a boy, a scared boy, trying to cover up everything. They saw him, like when he was five, reaching up and trying to touch the sky.
A/N: Apparently this might be a good chaptered fic.. said by one of the few people who have read this... so if you want me to continue sure ill continue if no reply... i guess i might no do it... ><