Jun 17, 2009 20:38
[Mod Post #4 ] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take time to reply to this, even if you only ever reply to one post.
Hello beautiful people :3 Scary mod post time xD
One of the things that seems to be a constant is the lack of communication in the asiandesigns community in general. We are growing daily, which is very awesome on its own but with that growth you would say its safe to assume more people would start to reply to posts and its just not happening. Our goal when starting this community was never to be the biggest or the best, we just wanted to share our love of asian graphics with other people who would enjoy them also.
So now we come to you to find out what you like and dislike about the community and to maybe get your opinions on what you like to see happen with the asiandesigns in the future.
Do you feel there is a lack of posts in the community each week?
Do you feel there is a lack of posters in the asiandesigns?
Do you think having the community some what private/moderated is an issue?
Are you happy with the quality of work that is produced within asiandesigns?
What type of items do you mainly come to a graphics community for? (Feel free to list more then one thing)
Is there anything you wish to add that will help the asiandesigns community?
(Sorry for the no LJ cut but I really want members to see this, and hopefully reply ^_^ )
#mod post