Japan/Greece, others - Heard right through the wall (and then some)

Mar 30, 2011 19:14

During a meeting/session that requires all nations to bunk together in the same building, Greece and Japan have sex in their room. Wild, loud, floor-shaking, wall-penetrating, marathon sex that every single nation from one end of the building to the other hears throughout the long, long night.

Some nations try their (woefully inadequate) best to ignore or block it out. Others argue over which one of them should knock on Greece and Japan's door and tell them to keep it down. Some others get turned on by the sounds and decide to see if they can match the couple in sexual prowess and volume. And France and Hungary still others keep their ears pressed against the wall to get the best voyeurism pleasure auditory experience.

Basically, an ensemble of nations dealing with the fact that Greece and Japan are as loud in bed as they are quiet outside of it. Stick as many other couples in there as you wish, anon. ;)

Bonus #1: The nations are stunned when they realize that Greece's the one who's bottoming.
Bonus #2: At least one nation enters Greece and Japan's room, only to find that they're so caught up in their sex that they don't notice his/her presence at all or his/her attempts to get their attention, and the hot and bothered nation eventually just slinks back out of their room.
Bonus #3: China is the only one who gets a sound night's sleep because he was savvy enough to bring super earplugs with him.

Request Link: here
Status: unfilled

part 18, unfilled, k - loud sex, c - ensemble, c - japan, c - greece

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