Greece/Japan - Intervention by Eros or Aphrodite

Feb 11, 2011 20:55

Eros or Aphrodite notice that Greece is in love with Japan and vice versa, but that Japan is too much of a repressed old man to let their relationship progress past "just friends." They decide to help Greece by striking Japan with a love arrow or spell.

What happens after that is up to other anon. You can opt for something cracky/humorous (like having the arrow/spell work too well and turn Japan into as much of a yandere towards Greece as Belarus is towards Russia), or for something more serious/dramatic (like having Greece worry that Japan's love isn't "real" because it was brought about by magic or notice that Japan is acting VERY OOC).

I'd like it if the arrow/spell wore off eventually, though, and Japan had to deal with the consequences of what he said/did while he was under Eros/Aphrodite's influence and admit to Greece that he really does love him, spell or no spell.

Request Link: here
Status: unfilled

unfilled, part 17, c - japan, c - greece, k - myths/legends

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