so right now, i'm supposed to be preparing for my english seminar for tomorrow, as well as a unit test in business management. it's a long chapter. i know nothing about the chapter though because all i do is sleep in that class.
my grades are slipping, where i have been getting high-80's or low 90's, i'm now getting much lower marks.
well. english used to be a pretty high mark for me but now it's only a 70. this has never happened to me before, and advanced functions is at a 61. i've been pretty bad at math ever since high school began though, so whatever.
the thing is, english, advanced functions and calc (which i'm taking next semester) are all pre-requisites for all programs i am planning on applying to for university. and then 3 of my top marks in other university level courses will be included into the final average they'll calculate for me.
problem? advanced functions is the lowest possible mark i'm ever going to get.
english ... i have a teacher who's a hard marker and doesn't really give many assignments for me to be able to boost my mark AND does not allow special assignments to help your mark.
calc.......i don't know. it's math. i hope i don't do very bad at it.
because at this rate i won't even be getting a LOW 80 average to enter university with D:
i'm stressed, to say the least.
but this doesn't stop my procrastinating-self, clearly. i try to do my homework but uhm yeah i guess i watched too much of spongebob as a kid, because i can't stay focused on anything for one long period of time. which brings me to wondering whether i'll even survive uni even if i get into one.
because i bet you i'll just sleep through those longass lectures.
i am planning to do business (probably marketing. i think i like marketing.) at Guelph, Laurier, UTM or Ryerson. Don't know. Any suggestions of what else to apply to, Canadians?!
anyways. yup i'm just going to go back to studying and update my life next time.
hi flist.