Sep 06, 2004 15:22
Man....everything's changed....
Jul 20, 2004 15:08
So my birthday was yesterday, yet i dont feel 15.
Summer school isnt as bad as it could be...*shutt up* colby says it so awesomely...
Special thanks to Andy for making my lj look hott
Jul 09, 2004 00:05
yeah time for an update
got home from camp and we took a little tour of the UP. i went to mackinac island for the first time! it was raining though, so all the july 4th stuff was canceled grrr. we stopped by at traverse city too, for the cherry festival..yumm :)
so right now i have summer school which is complete hell. the end.
Jun 17, 2004 12:11
live journal already is getting kinda boring...nah, i'm just too lazy to update
hows everybody's summer? :) busy busy
i found out how to do get those moods yay!
Jun 07, 2004 19:48
This already hell...
And then it will be all over :)
May 30, 2004 12:21
WHOA i'm updating
I wanna go to England and get a BRITISH ACCENT!
i love my twork :)
May 25, 2004 09:51
hello i'm in mythology right now in the computer lab. what life lesson should i use so i can ace my project?
i miss the seniors :(
i think jessie gatti is cool =)
go comment my faithful lj friends!
to andy if he reads this - whatsup i miss you :(
i need more lj friends...and a layout and an icon.
the end
May 20, 2004 01:00
w00t math proj riight now :)
seniors are leaving tomorrow :( i'm going to miss them~next year will be so diff without them. come back and visit!
yay i updated. i hope all my LJ friends *which i have NONE :)* comment...cuz comments are so entertaining