I know i say this an awful lot but in my internet musing i come across this phrase far too often!
"""I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hand to handle but if u cant handle me at my worst you sure as hell dont deserve me at my best"""
Who wrote this dumb shit? Seriously why the hell would you subject someone you supposedly love to your worst? I mean granted it is going to happen more often than not but still. Why is giving your best conditional on how well your signifigant other can deal with a rash of shit you are dishing out? Every time i see this i am convinced that the person that posted this obviously doesn't understand it's true implications. From a neutral genderless perspective. I have no desire to be with someone who is going to say that i have to deal with them being bitchy or abusive just for the good times. I am not directing this at anyone on my list or anything like that. Like i said i came across this on a profile on the website Tagged. In reality i see it there more than i like to. Can't anyone be original anymore. Come up with your own sayings for crying out loud! Whatever happend to love being unconditional???