Title: chrysalis
Fandom: Degrassi
Pairing/Characters: Adam Torres
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: Chelsea just wants the outside to fit the inside.
Chelsea stared at the mirror, wide-eyed and breathless. Her hair was wet, hanging in damp coils, and the scissors in her hand were new; just pulled out of the wrapping, and bought just yesterday. She bent her head so she couldn't see her reflection, grasped her hair in one hand.
Snip. Snip.
Two quick cuts, and she was left holding a long, thick hank of hair in one hand. Her head felt lighter, like a great weight had been lifted from it. The remaining hair was messy and uneven, but when she shook her head, it looked...boyish. It covered her eyes and stuck out at odd angles; she'd always had hair so long it dragged itself straight, as far back as she could remember. It was strange to see it short and messy.
She raked her bangs away from her eyes, bit her lip as she stared at the mirror. Her shirt; her shirt wasn't right. She turned and thumbed through the pile of clothing she'd draped over the edge of the bathtub. She fingered the shirt on top. Technically it was Drew's, but he'd grown out of it years ago and just never bothered to throw it away. It wouldn't be missed.
Carefully, she pulled it over her head. It fit like it was made for her, tight enough around the chest to push her breasts nearly flat and loose enough around the waist to hide her slight curves. She pulled on a sweatshirt - also a relic of Drew's middle school days - and stared at herself again.
Adam looked back.