Okay, I am sorry for the repeated posts, but I am freaking out. I have had 5 people say they would like to be interviewed but have not gotten back to me.
designbaby is filling one of these out for me, but I still need another person. And my speech is monday morning!
Please please help if you can! Sorry again.
If you are uncomfortable leaving this as a comment, feel free to email the answers to me at paperkim@livejournal.com
What is your full name, position, and name of business (for the citing)?
What kind of education/experience did you have when entering the field?
Did you, or do you, belong to any associations?
Do/did you have any sort of licences?
What did you do in this field? (residential, commercial, design assistant, business owner)
What would you say is the same about the work in residential and commercial design?
What would you say is different?
What would you say is the same about the working enviornment and conditions in residential and commercial design?
What would you say is different?
What do you like about the Interior Design field?
What do you dislike about the Interior Design field?
Anything else you would like to say about interior design(ers)?
Any advice?