What up, my charming chiquitas? Hey, remember back in the day, when I used to actually post ta this here journal? Well, get out yer nostalgia boots and tramp on over, 'cause I'm baaaaack! Hey, what c'n I say - starrin' in 15 different books at once is HARD. Even those of us with a mega-healin' factor need a little sleep now an' then. But I think I
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Comments 2
1) What does the smart, well-organized office kinda guy use when he has a rival - okay, over emotional feeb - who makes his living doin' merc werc copyin' other people's schtick? Yeah, I could be talking about Taskykins, but that's the risk ya take.
2) You are surrounded by amazingly hot women, get to play with all the latest doodads designed to bring the pain in huge dollops, and you ain't Agent Orca. Who are you? (Lo, for this numbered question, I give you a subheading - lettered choices!)
a) Deadpool
b) Alex Trebek
c) Doctor Doom in a Merry Widow
d) Bob, Agent Of HYDRA (Hail Hydra!)
e) Stinky Slapowitz, the weird guy at the corner who talks to fire hydrants. (Hail hydrants!)
3) Every great man has a great predecessor in awesometudeness. Who was yours?
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