Nov 08, 2009 22:22

Hey hey, guess what? I fergot I had a coupla links and things ta share with you all, so you get a bonus post today. LUCKY YOU.

First off, from th' awesome Twitter fans, a few renditions of what I might be unlucky enough ta look like now that Disney's bought Marvel, 'cept that I'm WAY too bada$$ ta ever let this happen ta me:

From bairdduvessa:

From xGeeorgiaa:

From Mark_Currie:

And, ya know, this one's not me, but it's still kinda awesome (also from xGeeorgiaa:

An' next, we got a mini-handfulla kinda fun links ABOUT ME, so a'course I gotta share:

An intelligent conversation I once had with Wolverine

The shoes I wear when I ain't wearin' my boots


Hey! What the hell is this? COPYCAT. I did it first!!

And now, back ta yer regularly scheduled late night procrastination!

meat suits: the other white meat, youtubin' it, wolverine, my fans are the bestestestest, the merc with the mouse, picspam is better than ham, video clips, disney what what?, linkspam is not canned, twitter, marvel how could you sell my soul?, twitterlicious, deadpool merch

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