I keep our stamps in one of the folders..pretty well hidden.
One day i notice Dora has some interesting "new stickers" with the Statue of Liberty on them. I've asked Dora what is that.. Her answer "oh i have new stickers now, mama".
So, instead of weight watchers i decided to take a boot camp class in the nearby park. Holy crap. I can barely move. Today was the first class... Woman that is teaching the class ran NYC marathon when she was 8 months pregnant. It's from 6am to 7am..3 times a week for 4 weeks.
Do any of you follow flylady principles for cleaning and maintaining your households? I'm considering signing up.
Btw, i've canceled Weight Watchers. I need to: 1. stop eating while i work at night 2. walk with the double stroller every evening (if Dora agrees, of course).