Just a note that
ask_a_nurse has been deleted. This was partly due to how busy the community has been and the mods as a group being online less often.
A big bouquet of thanks to all the other health professionals who have volunteered their time and expertise to answer questions. You've helped a lot of people. We couldn't have kept the community going without you! :)
Here is a link for people in the US who need to find health care:
http://finder.healthcare.gov/Rules in the US are changing to make it easier for people to get health care and health insurance, that link can help you get started.
Many of the questions in the community were people who didn't know whether they needed to get seen. Some of it was stuff that from the description given would warrant a trip to the ER. It's really hard to make that kind of call online, even as a health professional. If in doubt, go and get seen.
This link has flow charts that can help you decide whether you need to get seen and what you can do to treat yourself at home:
http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/tools/symptom.html Getting information from your doctor is also a common theme. Here are some links that describe how to get better satisfaction and better discussion of your problems from a doctor's visit. Many people aren't good at knowing how to ASK the questions or express to the doctor what they are worried about. Add to the mix that doctors are imperfect human beings with only limited time to spend on appointments. Communication can be a big issue in health care. These links can help:
http://www.cwhn.ca/node/40777http://www.ucsfhealth.org/adult/edu/CommunicatingwithYourDoctor.htmlhttp://www.anapsid.org/cnd/diagnosis/canwetalk.htmlDon't forget you can phone your doctor's office and ask for a call back if all you need is clarification or explanations.