First Name: Elisabeth
Sex: Female
Zodiac Sign: Liz-eo
Height: 5'7
Eye color: Blue
Hair color and length: Brown & Fairly long.
Location: Port Orange
Phone Number: threefourone dash fourthreetwothree
[ Friends ]
Are you popular: I don't know. I don't care. People know me?
Do your friends really know you: Most of my real friends do.
Are there traits in you, that are universally liked: I've heard I'm funny, nice, uber fly.
Do you trust others easily: Usually.
Have you lost any friends: Nope, usually we just kind of fade off. I didn't lose them, we lost eachother. (DEEEEEEEEEEEP)
Do you have more guy, or girlfriends: I think it's pretty equal.
Ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope, I don't roll like that.
[ Love Life ]
Is there a difference between a crush and being in love: Yes
Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment: Nope
Are you attracted to people with accents: I think they're hot, but I don't like FALL OVER & DIE when somebody has one.
Do long distance relationships work: If you want it to
Do you prefer to move fast, or slow in a relationship: Like Megan said, slow but emotionally tends to go quicker..
Are you usually the first to ask a person out: DEFINETLY NOT.
[ Appearance ]
Do you think you look attractive: Eh
Do you have any freckles: A few
What about birthmarks: Yep
Describe your style: Elisabeth.. lol I can't describe it any different.
Ever go to a beauty salon: I have gone, but I don't make it a weekly/monthly thing.
What do you think others think of your style: Cool
How long would it take you to get ready each morning: Usually an hour, because I move slow b/c half the time I'm like the walking dead b/c I'm so tired.
[ Personality ]
What first impression do you often give others: Wow, she's weird/funny.
Do you think you're a friendly person: Definetly.
Have you ever hurt anyone unintentionally: Yes.
Are you mean: About Paige, yes. Anybody else, no.
Are you smart: I'm the 22nd centuries EINSTIEN, yo.
Are you outgoing: YES
Are you confident in yourself: Most of the time
[ Sexuality ]
Are you heterosexual, bisexual, or gay: I'm straight as a board.
Are you against homosexuality: Personally, I'de never be gay. But I think gay guys are funny, lesbians arn't though.
[ The Future ]
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time: Working on my career.
Where would you like to be in 10 years time: Done with college, and being very successful with my major.
Future job: Musician
Future car: Farrari
Going to have children: Yes.
What will you name them: Whatever my husband & I decide.
At what age would you like to be married: 30's
Your idea of the perfect wedding: Outside when it's beautiful & breezy.
[ School Life ]
Grade: 9th, Ew.
Number of schools you've been to: 1 Elementary, 1 Middle, 1 High.
Name them all in order: Spruce Creek Elementary, Creekside, Spruce Creek High School.
Which school did you enjoy the most: Creeeeeeeeeeek.
Who was your favorite teacher: Ms. Raines
Who was your least favorite teacher: MS. SPIES!!!
What was your favorite subject: Lunch
What was your least favorite subject: Everything
Did you ever get a detention: Yes
If so, what for : Chewing gum/Being tardy/Talking back/No homework/Calling my teacher a phaaaaaaaag.
Did your teachers ever have to ring your parents: Yes
Did you do well in school: So far, yeahhhh.
What were your report cards like: 3.8, bizzzzzlessss.
Do you plan on going to college: Definetly.
[ Current ]
Clothes: My twin day outfit
Make up: Mascara
Mood: Dandy-lion.
Music: Switchfoot
Taste: Banana
Hair: Diz-own, you clown.
Color of nails: CLEAR
[ Last Person ]
You hugged: KC
You fought with: Caitlin.. lol
You played dress ups with: Caitlin
You emailed: Brother
You instant messaged: Andrew
You kissed: My dog
You yelled at: Caitlin
Who yelled at you: Caitlin
Who broke your heart: Megan & Caitlin knowwwwww.
[ Random Questions ]
Do you find it uncomfortable without a bra: Umm?
Boxers or briefs: Boxers
Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide: I wish I could've helped them.
Choose one word to describe how you feel most often: Awesome
Do you dream at night time: YES
Are you right-handed, left-handed, or ambidextrous: Ambidextrous
What do you fear: Not being successful in life.
Who is the hottest girl/guy in your school: Guy - Koby / Girl - B'Megan, yo.
Who do you really hate/dislike: Paige/Mr.McKay/Shana