The fight...

Jan 17, 2005 03:02

As Hermione told everyone, Meg and I got in a fight. Let me explain everything. And I mean, everything, with respect to Meg and Justin's privacy, of course.

One night, as Mum and Dad were bickering, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped out of my window with nothing but the clothes on my back. I strolled around Liverpool, and I slept in alleyways. One night... my 3rd night out, I met this .. guy.. He seemed rather nice. I eventually stayed around him, thinking that it's better to be with someone on the streets, than being alone. Turns out he was a drug dealer, and luckily, he didn't force me to do any; thus, I never tried. However, being around a drug dealer DID get me scared.

Anyway, 'bout the 6th day out, he and I went into some pub. I lost the guy.. and I was back on my own, but not after getting wasted. So, I was in this pub, all alone, and I meet yet another bloke. And, being wasted, I decided to flirt with him. And his bloody girlfriend decides to hit me... that's when it started. I don't remember much... but I remember running. I also can remember that I was shaking so much, then I passed out. I woke up to find myself in an empty house with my clothes were torn. I left, trying to figure out what had happened.

I made some 'friends' who were gang members for the next 4 days. They made the Violent Ellie worse. I remember getting into fights every night. Dad picked me up at a police station... and that's when things went to hell. I wasn't allowed to see him, since he was kicked out of the house because of the divorce. Mum decided that it was best to abuse me for what was going on, saying that it's my fault things were falling apart. I still dunno WHY the judge gave her joint-custody. I was beat constantly, but that didn't matter. *scoffs* I can't believe that they went to a Muggle court for their divorce. And now to learn that she took bloody pictures of me as I was bleeding pisses me off.

Now that you have a better idea about what I am, let's get to the fight.

There was always tension between me and Meg. I was so pissed earlier Saturday, and it just kept piling. I started to see red, so I locked myself in my room, as I have been for the past week.

I saw Meg, who appeared to be crying earlier, in the common room with Justin. I had come down from my cell to get some air, and I saw them. I apparently was calm, and I jumped on her, not literally. Words flied, and Justin was between us, so we wouldn't attack one another. I punched Meg in the eye, and that's were it got worse. We were shouting and screaming. I punched Justin in the jaw, after I missed Meg. She broke free and punched me in the nose. Justin grabbed us, and Meg tried to kick me. I grabbed her leg and twisted it, and continued to twist it until Justin pulled Meg's leg out of my hands. Meg and Hannah, who had been sitting on the couch, went to the Hospital Wing, while Justin had this death grip on me.

Eventually, he let go, and I snapped out of it. I was in tears and I wanted to leave Hogwarts so much. We talked, and he went to the Hospital Wing to get his jaw checked out, and I went to bed, ignoring the blood coming out of my nose.

Meg and I talked in the common room, saying sorry to one another. Hannah, Ernie, and Wayne came in, and made jokes about it, which made me uneasy. They said things like I don't need a club for Quidditch because I have a mean right hook. Justin came in, but he was working on his school work. I left to go to the Hospital Wing to learn that my nose was in fact broken.

So, that's the story. Apparently Hufflepuffs aren't the peaceful ones, Ron. But I'm sure as hell don't want this to happen again.
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