(no subject)

Nov 22, 2004 12:07

[my name is]: jenna
[in the morning i was]: in class
[all i need now is]: sleep
[love is]: confusing
[i'm afraid of]: getting older
[i dream about]: happiness

** series one - your
-- Middle name: sheila shana nickcarter bobo trailor osama bin laden daria
-- Birth time: 3:07 pm
-- Birthplace : Charlton, Fall River
-- Last place travelled: indianapolis
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Nail Color: nail
-- Zodiac Sign: cancer

** series two - describe:
-- Your heritage: Portuguese, French
-- The shoes you wore today: brown and blue Roos
-- Your hair: recently dyed
-- Your weakness: romance
-- Your perfect pizza: olives

** series three - what is:
-- Your most overused phrase: i don't know...
-- Your thoughts first waking up: AGH!
-- Your current worry: money
-- Your plans tomorrow: i get to go home
-- Your best physical feature: my left shoulder
-- Your bedtime: late or early however you look at it

** series four - you prefer:
-- sunrise or sunset: suns
-- gore or horror: horror
-- eastside or westside: east coast
-- stripes or polka dots: stripes
-- Planes or trains: planes
-- metal or hardcore: Hardcore
-- Boxers or briefs: boxers
-- Pools or hot tubs: heated Pools

** series five - do you
-- Do you think you've been in love: yes very much so
-- Want to get married: yes
-- Like to take baths: nah
-- Get motion sickness : yes
-- Like talking on the phone: yes
-- Like thunderstorms: very much
-- Play an instrument: no
-- Workout: i like to go swimming
-- Like reading: YES!

** series six - favorite:
-- Body part: if it's a nice body... any part
-- Kind of fruit: plums
-- Music to fall asleep to : fiona apple
-- Car: cabrio
-- Number: 25, 6
-- Thing to do: hang out, colorguard, movies
-- Color: greeeen
-- Food: buffalo chicken

**series eight - the future:
-- Age you hope to be married: late 20's
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: outside
--Numbers and Names of Children: no idea, i'd like to adopt
--how do you want to die: happy
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: actress in movies
-- What country would you most like to visit: FRANCE

** series nine - opposite sex: ( or same sex in my case)
-- Best eye color: doesn't matter
-- Best hair color: also, doesn't matter
-- Best personality trait: funny, chill
-- Best height: taller than me
-- Best articles of clothing: tight pants
-- Best first date location: out somewhere
-- Best first kiss location: at night, outside

** series ten - finish:
-- I eat: a lot!
-- I think: about greg
-- I am: so sleep
-- I adore: operation OC
-- I suck at: sports
-- I am obsessed with: angelina jolie
-- I can: spin flags
-- I can't wait: to make money
-- I am annoyed with: certain people
-- I miss: jackie, alex, katie, and becky
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