(no subject)

Mar 25, 2004 14:57

Wow... I don't feel like updating about anything important because right now, nothing is. I hate school. And
+ Basics +
Are you emotional :: yes, why does everything bother me?
songs make you cry? :: one did once
What about movies :: yes.. too many do
What emotion do you usually feel :: boredom/happiness

+ Sadness +
What does it take to make you cry your heart out :: my period especially and broken hearts
Where do you cry :: everywhere
Do you hate crying :: when i'm with greg i do
Do you like it when others cry :: no it makes me so upset
Do you make people cry :: i hope not
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: sometimes.. like THIS one!

Who looks good when they cry :: see above...
How else do you express sadness :: silence
Are you sad all the time :: no.

+ Anger +
What does it take to make you mad :: rejection, stress
What do you do when you're angry :: yell
How short is your temper :: depends
How long does it take you to calm down :: i calm down fast but it's still boiling inside me
Out of the following, which one describes the level of anger you usually feel: annoyed, frustrated, angry, furious, hatred, about to go insane :: frustrated
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: no
What's the worst thing someone's done to you that made you mad ::breaking my heart for no reason
Do you anger people :: probably

+ Joy +
How often are you happy :: more often than not
What do you do when you're happy :: smile like a fool and wiggle
How optimistic are you :: im optimistic when it comes to other people alot, not so much with myself though i stole Brittany's answer because i feel the same way!
Do happy people make you mad :: no
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: cry?
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone, including your enemies and the bugs :: um.. yes?
Ever been so happy you cried :: no
Do you smile a lot :: yes
Hug people a lot :: yes. i LOVE hugs
Kiss people a lot :: only one.. if there were others i'd probably be in trouble
Who really makes you happy :: GREG
Do the simple things make you happy :: more happy then complex things
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: yes i do! and when i'm sad and angry and lonely and anxious etc. etc.

+ Fear +
What do you do when you're scared :: run
What scares you :: spiders, the dark (but not in my room)
Do you like scaring people :: not generally
Do you like the thrill of being frightened :: no, especially not in haunted houses... i refuse to go in.
Does fear accompany anger in your case :: no.
Ever been so scared you could barely breathe :: i don't think so
How often do you panic :: not very
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else in your life so far :: Jarid being in the hospital
What do you do to calm your nerves :: think happy thoughts! then i fly.. because i'm peter pan
Do rollercoasters scare you :: ABSOLUTLY NOT!

+ The Strongest Emotion +
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :: Last Kiss - Pearl Jam
Movie :: Eternal Sunshine, The Cure, A Little Princess, Dumb and Dumber, A Night at the Roxbury
Commercial :: dunno
Person :: Greg
Thing :: acting
Sight :: that one!
Sound :: all music
Food :: buffalo chicken
Thing you're looking forward to/want :: leaving somerset

+ What Do You Do... +
When the emotion sucks :: cry, complain, sleep, yell
When the emotionrocks:: hug and kiss and smile and jump and twirl and wiggle

+ Would you rather... +
Never feel again OR Feel loneliness and anger for the rest of your life :: starting now i would rather feel nothing.. but if i was born that way, then loniness and anger because at least it's SOMETHING but if i've already known happiness i couldn't spend the rest of my life knowing that i can't have it anymore.
Be happy forever and never experience the bad times :: no
Cause misery OR Feel misery :: feel
Be alone OR Be with everyone you know :: i know a lot of people... i guess i would say everyone i know. because i wouldn't have to see all of them since there are so many.

+ Who... +
Cheers you up more than anyone else :: Greg, Alex, Jackie, Lynn
Angers you more than anyone else :: lately, Jonas... which is a sad sad thing to say. but i don't understand what is happening right now.
Scares you more than anyone else :: Jenna-Lee Carreiro
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: anyone who has serious conversations with me
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: anyone i lovethis lovely survey will help close the gap between now, and later.
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