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DOWNLOAD (this is alpha software and probably has bugs. it is provided as-is-be careful and use it at your own risk.)
- Full Unicode support (LJ protocol version 1)
- completely-rewritten server-communication code, noticeably faster on average
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Right now, the way I use asLJ, I have the "After Posting" checkbox in the "Clear Post" area unchecked so that I can write an entry, post it to one account, select another account, pick the userpics, post it there, etc.
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I'll add one-click crossposting to the 0.5a list, though it may end up in a 0.4a.x release or it may have to wait until 0.6b. How do userpics and moods behave in Semagic when using the one-click crossposting? That is, does it just use the default userpic on each account or does it try to match up the same userpic across accounts (and similarly for mood/moodid)?
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