
Dec 23, 2004 13:00

Happy holidays everybody,

It's ok if you're a muslim, a christian or a jew ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

sush December 23 2004, 10:56:03 UTC
argh! i see that commercial all the damn time and it always gets stuck in my head!


asmalldemand December 23 2004, 11:08:31 UTC
I figured out there's two different versions of it, I love 'em both. Haha I think that's my favorite commercial of all-time.


carrythezero December 23 2004, 11:03:06 UTC
We sell those phones at my work, so i hear that crap all the time. I really like the way that one girl sings "no contractual obligations" though.


asmalldemand December 23 2004, 11:07:53 UTC
Haha yea, the scientologist.


tasha_riot December 23 2004, 15:01:55 UTC
i added you back in case you did not notice :)


asmalldemand December 23 2004, 17:05:58 UTC
I did notice and you've been added back as well :)


hartbilly December 23 2004, 18:56:19 UTC
Damn it Mike. I heard you were moving soon. Is this true? Check out the band sites.


asmalldemand December 23 2004, 19:28:46 UTC
Moving? Where?

I was in Pennsylvania for awhile, that's about it.

Been busy lately, was working 2 jobs for awhile. I ruptured my ear drum and it acts up every once in awhile. My stepdad has cancer. Etc. Etc.

So what's been up with you?
And I heard you, Jimmy & alot of the other RPB people were pissed I haven't hung out in awhile.

I'll probally be seeing you at Clary's party on New Years.


hartbilly December 23 2004, 21:10:56 UTC
Mad? Hell no! I've just missed my hugging partner. Mike's having a party? On New Years Eve? You? There? Sounds like a party... literaly. I'll be there with bells on. Later.


asmalldemand December 24 2004, 06:45:45 UTC
Word UP!


bikinikilurself December 24 2004, 00:18:54 UTC
I heard that today for the first time and it made me laugh.


asmalldemand December 24 2004, 06:45:08 UTC
Haha it rules.


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