
Jul 28, 2006 13:55

Chiromancy or palmistry is the practice of studying a person's hand for the purposes of divination. I'm fascinated by divination and divinatory practices, I don't believe in them per se, but I don't dismiss them out of hand. I tend to think that its an exercise in psychology more than anything. For instance, I dont think for a second that Tarot cards actually connect a "reader" to third party spirit mediums, but a good one can tell you a lot about yourself. Every card is a stimulus, and each will produce a reaction from the subject. A person who has the right intelligence, empathy and intuition can read, the person via their reactions to the stimulus (cards) and "divine" information about their psyche.

Interestingly the word psyche comes from the greek meaning self or soul, which is arguably the same thing as a spirit. Which perhaps means that they do in fact see into your spirit, but in a completely natural way that we all do every day to some degree or another, observing the people around you and drawing conclusions about their affect and personality.

But I digress, "palm reading" is one of the more ubiquitous and familiar forms of "fortune telling." So while we at the bookstore waiting on my sister's dental work curiousity compelled to a book on divinatory procedures, and I naturally examined the palmistry chapter.

If Chiromancy is accurate then I think Im fucked (or perhaps not fucked rightly) My "lifeline" runs the length of my palm and actually curls around onto the back of my hand. So Im either immortal, or will live to be old old old. The "mount of venus" which this source says should indicate my love life, is blank. No noteworthy lines at all. So apparently I get to live forever but never be loved. That sounds like a shit trade (or a vision of hell)

Looking for perspective I examined my sister's friend Savanah's hand and found that her "Mount" had 30-40 deep lines criss-crossing, leading me to comment (jokingly, and in the car) "Your hand says that you're a slut!" (she thought it was funny) It was with some saddness though because my hand knows full well my monogamy to it. (apologies, that was crude)

Of course their is a reason your hand has the lines it does, they're a result of the use of your hands, and how the skin folds when you do. Knowing that common sense tells me that my bizzare lifeline is because I have a double jointed thumb that is very dexterous, I can move the entire lower joint outward which causes my hand to crease along that line.

I do wonder, if some scientist ever discovered a link between a dexterous, double-jointed thumb and longevity, would either the Biologists or the Chiromancers be able to "divine" the implication?
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