Feb 21, 2009 15:52
Yesterday I had to pick Gwen up at school again for pulling another Autistic shut down and non compliance thing. She later told me it was a space issue thing for her in that she wanted to sit by herself but people kept scooting thier desks closer to her. She got written up on the school bus by the bus driver last month for refusing to share her seat as well. Admittedly I am very frustrated at this point and I said so to anyone who would listen. The counsellor of the school assured me that next week she has set up a meeting with the teacher and other school professionals to discuss how best to serve Gwen, but when I brought up wanting an IEP again, she said she'd likely get a 504. I was clear about wanting an IEP. I've been asking this new counsellor for an IEP since the beginning of this school year, and all last year I was asking the previous counsellor to have Gwen re-evaluated for an IEP. It is my understanding that a 504 is geared more for kids with physical disabilities and an IEP is for kids who have learning disabilities that need accomodated. Being on a 504 does not qualify a child for special needs services through the school such as counselling, instruction, occupational therapy, ect. only an IEP will do that. So it seems to me that the school is just trying to save themselves some money and is screwing us over in the process. Because, excuse me, but if I am having to pick her up from school two days within two weeks it seems to me that THAT is a big DUH Captain Obvious that she is having issues that are preventing her from learning! Since she obviously can't learn if she isn't there! The whole thing is just so incredibly frustrating because she is now almost through with the first grade. She recived her doctor's diagnosis for HFA 2 years ago, more than 6 months before starting kindergarten, and I immediately set about trying to get her set up with an IEP before she started school. After all the testing and evaluations I was told that while she qualified, she was borderline and they just didn't feel she was "Autistic enough" to warrant an IEP. At the time they actually criticized me openly as a parent for wanting to "saddle my child with a diagnosis if it isn't nessecary". Fast forward to two years later and I'm willing to bet that had we set up an IEP back then, I wouldn't be having to pick her up from school now each week if the proper support was already in place! I am so frustrated, and so tired of it all. I don't feel like anyone is listening or that I'm getting anywhere; it feels like beating on a brick wall. I am so disappointed with the school system right now.
username: h,
formal diagnosis,