-- Name: Assie
-- Birthplace: Hardin, Montana
-- Current Location: O’Fallon, Missouri
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
-- Height: 5'8”
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Your heritage: Dutch and German
-- Your weakness: My boyfriend and my puppy
-- Your fears: Dying, losing the ones I love
-- Your perfect pizza: I like Mexican pizza, yum!
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: To finally have a job and make enough money so that I’m not living paycheck to paycheck.
-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: LOL
-- Your thoughts first waking up: “4:30 already?”
-- Your best physical feature: Umm…I dunno…
-- Your bedtime: 9 to 9:30pm
-- Your most missed memory: My family living so close to one another. Now we’re all spread out.
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coca-ma-cola
-- McDonald's or Burger King: MickeyD’s
-- Single or group dates: Group dates are a lot more fun!
-- Adidas or Nike: name brands? Adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Mmm…chocolate…
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappucino, please.
-- smoke: I did off and on in my first two years of high school and for about 6 months after I graduated, but not anymore!
-- Cuss: Yep.
-- Sing: Usually in the car
-- Take a shower every day: Yep, I feel gross if I don’t bathe everyday.
-- Have a crush(es): Nope. I’m through with all that jazz. I have my Jeremy.
-- Do you think you've been in love: Definitely.
-- Want to go to college: I’ll get back to it eventually.
-- Like high school: I loved high school and I feel the way Erin does, it was so much simpler back then. *sigh*
-- Want to get married: We’re shooting for next year!
-- Believe in yourself: Sometimes.
-- Get motion sickness: When I sit in the back seat on long trips. Weird, huh? That only started after I began driving all the time.
-- Think you're attractive: I think I’m above average. I’m definitely not like a hag or anything.
-- Think you're a health freak: No, I should care more though.
-- Get along with your parents: Eh. I have my days.
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes, but only when I’m at home. When I have to drive, it sucks.
-- Play an instrument: I played the clarinet in 5th grade and took piano lessons in 8th, but other than that…nope.
-- Drank alcohol: on occasion. I drink less now that I’m old enough to buy it. Heh.
-- Smoked: Use to. No more.
-- Done a drug: Nope.
-- Had sex: Uh…duh?
-- Made out: Yup.
-- Gone on a date: Uh huh.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Sadly, yes. And it wasn’t that long ago either!
-- Eaten sushi: YUM! I love me some sushi!
-- Been on stage: Yep! Member of Troop 643 here!
-- Been dumped: Yes.
-- Gone skating: I’ve never been ice skating, but I’ve been rollerskating quite a few times.
-- Made homemade cookies: Yep.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Eww…no, you don’t want to see my naked butt.
-- Dyed your hair: I used to all the time, but I haven’t in over a year.
-- Stolen anything: I think everyone went through that phase.
Ever . . .
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not seriously.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Unfortunately. Yuck.
-- Been caught doing something?: I’ve been caught doing a couple of things…*wink, wink*
-- Been called a tease: Yeah, although I don’t think I ever was.
-- Gotten beaten up: Yes. My little brother and I got into it once. It hurt.
-- Shoplifted: Yes.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Only once. Never again.
-- Age you hope to be married: Next year! Woot!
-- Numbers and Names of Children: I’m not sure if I will be able to have kids, but I do want at least 2-my first born son will be Adam and first born daughter I want to be Emma, but Jeremy thinks that’s an “old lady” name.
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I wanted to get married bare-foot on the beach in Jamaica. That would be sooo nice.
-- How do you want to die: I don’t even want to THINK about that.
-- Where you want to go to college: *shrugs*
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: a Mom
-- Country would you most like to visit: Germany
In a guy/girl . . .
-- Best eye color? Jeremy has blue!
-- Best hair color? Jeremy has blondish-brown!
-- Short or long hair: I personally prefer short, but Jeremy had long hair when we first began dating. Heh.
-- Height: Taller than me, please.
-- Best weight: Fit, but not too muscular.
-- Best articles of clothing: I hate those “club” shirts. They’re so tacky. So, anything but those. Oh and thong sandles. Yuck.
-- Best first date location: Doesn’t matter
-- Best first kiss location: same.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Big fat ZERO.
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 3
-- Number of CDs that I own: 60+
-- Number of piercing: My ears are pierced once, my bellybutton USED to be pierced, and I have my eyebrow pierced.
-- Number of tattoos: None. I’m a wimp!
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Too many times to count.
-- Number of scars on my body: Umm…the one where my bellybutton piercing used to be, a chicken pox scar on my left ankle, two scars from my surgery…so 4.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Zero. Everything happens for a reason.