So, this is my ~*~life to-do list~*~(in no particular order, and always being added to). Some are really simple, others aren't, but they're all things I want to accomplish/see in my life.
-see the
Grand Prismatic Spring.
-see the
Northern Lights -see
Death Valley (especially the Racetrack Playa -go to Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka plz~)
-see the
Colosseum -go to the
Mutter Museum (There are jars of preserved human kidneys and livers, and a man's skull so eaten away by tertiary syphilis that it looks like pounded rock. There are dried severed hands shiny as lacquered wood, showing their veins like leaves; a distended ovary larger than a soccer ball; spines and leg bones so twisted by rickets they're painful just to see; the skeleton of a dwarf who stood 3 feet 6 inches (1.1 m) small, next to that of a giant who towered seven and a half feet. And "Jim and Joe," the green-tinted corpse of a two-headed baby, sleeping in a bath of formaldehyde.)
-go to ACen
-see the Titanic artifacts
-get accepted to college
-get my driver's license
-finish a story
-go to Europe (Spain, Germany, Italy, the UK, Greece, France)
-see the Winchester Mystery House