Artist/Song Title: Something Corporate - Watch The Sky
Subject: Supernatural, Sam PoV, Character Analyse
Original Date: 2006-02-21 (Shh - I know it's a day earlier...)
Remastered 2008-01-05
Summary: ‘And I will crawl, there's things that aren't worth giving up, I know, but I won’t let this get me - I will fight.’ Sam is slowly coming to terms with his life on the road again and what sent him there in the first place.
remastered Because I’m devious like that,
charmax had the disguised option between three vid ideas and chose a Sam PoV with ‘Watch the Sky.’ So first of all, yes, this is a very early birthday present for you, honey, I love you to pieces and of course I will send my birthday wishes on your actual day of honour, but I thought I would angst over this video for at least a month and well, that wasn’t true. Nine months vidding hiatus be damned, this baby wanted to be finished. In the end I drove myself crazy with how fast this came together, till
xandra-ptv clarified that I needed a kick in the guts, to shut the fuck up and enjoy the flow. So thank you very much for your reassuring beta-job on this after I let you vent, how cheap this show is shot and well, it’s possible that was more my fault with the first shitty draft I sent you than the original source - Eventually you stopped complaining, so that counts for something!
I’m usually not for commenting on my own vids, because everybody takes away what they see in them and if my interpretation of a character doesn’t hold up for the viewer or leads to a different understanding, there is nothing to add. It just won’t work. So skip this part, if you not interested in my intention.
Normally I have a very specific goal in mind while vidding, I know the point I want to get across and while scenes might get dumped in favour of others, the structure and mood remains. Except this vid ended in a much darker place than I anticipated. I had hugs, big smiles and gestures of affection between the brothers in mind as end for this video. Then while vidding I in point of fact ignored them and went straight for the edge Sam showed more clearly in the last couple of episodes. So it didn’t became the journey from grief laden anger and badly restrained tension to acceptance, well, not the carefree acceptance I had first in mind.
College boy is getting dark and I like it! So the basic premise is still intact, Sam is coming to terms with his life on the road, but also with not being able to save everybody or even trying to. Yes, this is my individual analysis of his actions, we’ve been shown that he is a quick thinker and at the core a compassionate person. Although there is a limit and I’m well aware that not everybody will agree with me, where this limit lies. It’s up for discussion, if there was anything he could have done or a conscious decision on his part regarding the impending death of Sue Ann, Max or Pa Bender. I’m just pointing out that he wasn’t eaten away by guilt over their demise afterwards or how Xandra, pretending to not know the series, asked: ‘What happened at the end?’ - ‘He left the man to die.’ - ‘Then it works. Keep this end.’ And that’s it, enjoy and feedback is very welcome!